Is there a law any were that requires every 911 dispatch to give out a benchmark every 10 min.? im trying to get our 911 dispatch to give us benchmarks and they refuse

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I don't know if there is any law, but they should oblige your request. I know that Allegheny County 911 dispatch gives benchmarks at 15 minutes into the incident, 30 minutes, (not sure about 45 minutes), 1 hour, and every hour from there on out. Try asking for those kinds of benchmarks, maybe they'd be a little more willing. Hope that helps. Stay Safe.
Phillip, an the reason that you are doing this and not your Chief? I can understand why they wouldn't respond to you but your Chief has the authority to request this and may have some response from the 911 staff.
We have a benchmark every 20 minutes from our 911 operaters. It's not just for our department, but
for all the departments here in the county.
20 minute benchmark here for command to conduct PAR's for a reported working fire. Continues for the entire incident until command requests dispatch to stop the reminders.

This is county wide from our dispatch system.
In Ny we have benmarks.. From accident scenes from time of start of extracation to end.. Or on scene ten ten house fire to interior going in and coming out... Never a problem for Dispatch unless they have alot going on then everyone understands.. Important calls first....
We'll have the same setup as FETC every incident 20 min benchmarks from Dispatch for IC to conduct a PAR and give an incident update. Benchmarks continue till IC advises dispatch to discontinue.

DT is absolutely right, this should come from the Chief. I suggest putting together a presentation and take it to the Chief for consideration or hopefully implementation.
Here in Hunterdon County NJ they are supposed to do benchmarks every 10 minutes unless requested by the IC not to do so. This is a great tactic but only when dispatch gets it right. They do there best but at times it is a surprise when they just dispatch the box properly.
I would like to add that, seasoned fire command officers did all of this in their head or with a watch. But long before computerized dispatch centers or the modern terminology like PAR's, a good incident commander would obtain a status report from his men (that would be accountability) and provide a radio report to fire alarm as a routine update (benchmark).

Now a days, with less fires, and fireground command experience, we have a tendancy to rely on fire alarm to spoon feed some commanders on what to do.

A good command board, worksheet with an IAP and simple stopwatch goes a long way.

Thanks every one for the input, this should help with some ideas and also correction I myself haven't tried getting the dispatch to give us the benchmarks of any kind it was a few other chief in the county. I am just trying to get some ideas and facts to help us get benchmarks, our personnel accountability is very behind times so i thinking it would help enforce a PAR on our attack teams. also this would help keep a mental clock even on small scenes without the big white board or stopwatch. I like the idea of the10 or 15 min then 30 min and 45 min then every 1 HR
Depends on whose working dispatch.
By Law the dispatchers have to take the 911 call and notify the department the there is a call in your area.
This is what the call is and where the call is, thats it.
Getting dispatchers to work with you involves getting to know them all close making friends, and putting in a way that they think it is their idea. This has worked for my in the passed. Try it let me know how it works.

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