Im trying to come up with ideas for a rit box, any suggestions plans waterver would be a great help

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Are you talking about a training prop? Or did you mean a RIT bag to carry you equipment?
no im talking about the RIT box, for like training, its just big enough for a firefighter to get in anc crawl thru, and it has different obsticals you have to manuver thru to get out, kinda gives the senario of a collapse or entangle ment
One prop we use is very simple to make, you will need 4 sheets of 1/4 inch plywood or usb. You will need about 16- 2x4's 8ft long. First make the end frames 48" wide. place standard framing at 16" . on one end you will cut a opening of 18" in the center. mount the 2x4flat on the inside edge of two of the plywood sheets to the flat against the top bottom and sides. Also apply short peices at least two in the middle of the boards for support. These now can be bolted to the end pieces to form a 4ft tall by 4 ft wide by 8ft long box, Next take hings we found that gate type hinges work the best. mount the hinges to the last piece of plywoodthis makes the top of the box place eye hooks in the top piece of ply wood at verious intervals and as many as you want, tothese eye hooks we attatch wires phone wire is the easiest to get but is you have an in at Home Depot they will sell or some times donate short pieces of wire left on rolls after sales. You can even use pieces of left over 2x4s to weight the wire down to catch on the firefighters SCBA. also talk to them about damaged sheet rock.

To use this prop make a trak at the opening, cut plasterboard to 20" slide this into the track over the opening have your f/f crawl to box and find the opening by following a hose piece or a rope. The f/f will then be instructed to breach the opening with his tool. Make a low profile entry into the box or use the swimmers technique, you may even op to remove your SCBA and put it back on once inside. next crawl forward till you bump your head against the rear wall of the box, Now close the lid and tell the firefighter he has been in a collapse and he must back out. now he will get entangled inthe wires and have to free himself. You can add old tires and wood board inside to crawl over for the collapse and pre position a maximum of two other f/f in the box, you are only limited by your imagination.

The reson we put the boxe together with lag bolts was so it can be taken apart and transported to other stations in my Ford Ranger, I hope this helps, if you have any questions just wriite back and I will try to help.
thanks for all the help chris. it sounds like a really good plan. i will get started on it as soon as i get home from vacation. please if anyone else has any more suggestions please feel free to leav them.

as alwasy everyone stay safe and come home

R.I.T. boxes are good training but if you want to up the ante a little go add a black cat...
i really don't know what you are talking about but tools are what the officer that is incharge of the rit team wants. we use a trap and place our stuff that we want on the trap.
Your Welcome

If you have any questions just write back on my page and I will try to help the best I can.

Stay low stay safe
Like the ideas mentioned...we have one for training built by members past...we also have incorporated holes that a 1 1/2" pipe will fit through...we put it through sometimes to add some nastiness to the evolution...we have a high set and a low set of holes to push the pipe through...then if we are really mean that day....once the trainee gets through the obstacle we throw a section of chain length fence over them and hold the fence untill they get to their radio and call "Mayday" properly....Stay safe....Keep the Faith....Paul

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