I have recently came across a few Depts ,mainly very rural, that had several new vollies. I spoke with many of them just shooting the shit like always and began to ask them questions about how they trained what they liked and disliked about the training etc. and the answers i found took me by suprise and i quote,''Oh we havent been training they just showed us how to use the turnout and scba and thats it we just go to the fire scene and grab a line and learn as we go.'' Now I understand the role experience plays in our service but to let them do anything without some type of training...

I am not going to completely put this down because they had great firefighters in that dept that learned that way.So my point is What are the methods your dept uses to train them and do you have a minimum training level they must complete before going active?If not do you believe that there should be a certain amount of training? just a thought...stay safe

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First there needs to be a training program implemented by the department. This program should meet the states min requiements. Second experience or hands on is how you learn. the books tell you how, why, where to do what to a fire or what ever situiation you have but the person need to take that and apply it. Now my department requiers new ff to have ff1, hazmat awarerness, cpr/first aid, blood borne pathogens, nims 100,200,700, infectious control and a radio class. We allow new ff to ride the truck but the chief and asst chief is responible for them. no inside fire attacks. Like I said books can only tell you so much, they don't tell you the what ifs. you have to use common sense and apply what you learn. I also believe you can never have enough training. Just my two cents that is all I have. lol
when a volly starts in nz the get the usual police check and medical befor being accepted then they get issued with a pair of coveralls and structural gear helmet ect
they then hold the rank of recruit which is essentially a support person unable to be put at risk thats not to say that they cannot handle a line at a scrub fire with a firefighter at their shoulder.
they then apply to do a firefighter course 6 days long with precourse and post course work to be done. on that course scba/1st aid / portable pumps/ interior attack/ rit / ladder and heights/ all hoses waterway ect/ and a bit of fire science.
i cant speak for all brigades but from what i understand we all pretty much train once a week for a minimum of 2 hours
We issue all gear and pager to new members. They have 6 months probation in which participation in meetings and runs is looked at as well as the individuals general interest in our dept. We allow 1 yr from "hire" date or the first available class to attend and complete the Mississippi Certified Volunteer Firefighter Level 1 course, we leave EMS training up to the individual due to the fact that not all people are cut out for EMS work, we are fortunate to have 2 EMT-B's and 15 EMR's currently.

Once Vol Cert 1 is completed we are allowed to go in as the backup man on an interior attack but not lead it. We must pass EVOC before driving all our apparatus but one (small brush truck). We meet twice a month and train both nights most of the time. Very rarely we will only train once due to business that must be attended to. We start the probies off basic and build on it each time. We might even have two "evolutions" going at once, one for the new guys and one for the " vets".

Their are always topics that we cover first, PPE, SCBA (general familiarization), and general hoseline handeling. Not perfect, but works for us.
MMM Make that "write". Right?
that is not too much of a surprise we were not alowed into any structures but did grass and bush before we did the courses but in saying that a fast moving grass fire can be just as dangerous as a structure fire
Personally I find this unacceptable, and clear evidence of the state of the fire service today. Whats worse is that many people don't even see this as a problem, and discuss it as if it is nothing more than a nuisence.

This is 2009??? "Podunk" Pukedunk...whatever. Does law enforcement have these problems? How many police officers learn 'on the job" without some sort of FUNDED training or academy?

This is a National problem. This clearly illustrates the federal governments failure to fund the fire service. Isn't bad enough that volunteers have to give so much of their time to hold boot drives, or pancake breakfasts to raise enough money to protect the public? Consider that the majority of the US Fire Service is voluntter, the Government is already getting one hell of a free ride, don't ya think? Free labor at fires and other emergencies, yet they can't, or WON'T fund the training to ensure EVERY Amercican firefighter is trained to the same standards!

What's worse you ask? We accept it. Politicians will embrace you when there is a photo op, during their campaign. How they love to tell us how valuable we are! But, well we just aint worth the money it costs to provide training. And so it goes. How many US firefighters are there? How many members here alone? How many even care enough to band together to write to their leaders to get what we rightly deserve in order to stay alive and healthy?
Yes, That is a large problem with many departments in Texas that I have found. Texas is broken into two groups TCFP (Texas Commission Fire Protection) and SFFMA (State Firefighters Marshals Association). The SFFMA is for the Volunteers and TCFP is for Paid / Combo departments. SFFMA in Texas has a training layout and also gives a minimum of hours of training needed to fight live fire. It's 72 hrs. of specific training hours. I am a Lieutenant in my department and I handle our "Cadet Academy". My issue is setting up a clean and clear training schedule for the volunteers. We do Every Thur. night and 2 Sat. a month for 2 months. We have some people that complain about how much time we are asking them to come in but we look at it this way ... If you want to be a firefighter and save lives then you are willing to give the small window of 2 months to learn what is needed to keep us safe and save lifes. I wish that more departments had dedication toward training.

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