I've been flipping through utube videos all night, and i am amazed at how many times departments can be seen at a car fire and not using full structural ppe, to include scba. My question is are there really that many departments tha dont require this? Full ppe should be required to be worn at any car fire, do these people just want to die young? everyones thoughts

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Jenny is using sarcasism to make a point. Point made. TCSS
You can fix many things in life...But, no matter how hard we try you just cannot fix stupidity......I think I got my point across.......Paul
It amazes me to see how some departments approach vehicle fires. Not only without SCBA, but with what little PPE they MAY wear not secured. But many will tell you that it is becouse they just see so darned much action, it is just nothing to worry about. That's what that reel line is for anyways.

Not that most of todays modern vehicles aren't far more hazardous or anything, right? No, the lazy approach MUST be the best, common-sense approach. A mask is just such a pain to wear.

A vehicle involved with any appreciable amount of fire is basically a garbage fire. And still how many heros who have a need to show the public just how fearless we are just walk around within inches of the flaming vehicle, sticking their head inside the vehcile with the nozzle working all around...as if that is really going to make a difference, or as if it is even worth it at all. Ah, but we are firefighters, and that's what we do! The few, the brave, the proud.

Geez. Use the reach of the stream, stay on the corners, out of smoke, use your mask, cover exposures, cool the tank, and work the strtaight stream from a distance. Once ya have it knocked down, THEN get closer.
Probably need to change that emoticon from a :) to a ;)
Don't forget the magnesium in steering colunms, that always seems ignight the instant you open the nozel!
Yeah full ppe is worn on every single car or vehicle fire.
Requirement at our department...I'm guessing people are just in a hurry and have the good ole tunnel vision blinders on.
Our department is getting ready to get some flouresent jackets so when we are out on the interstate fighting a car fire or helping with a wreck our people can be seen. You have to be ignarent to go out and fight a car ire without full ppe. There are to many dangers out there atleast with gear on a driver might see you no gear highly unlikely. Interstate 77 people down slow down and they are frigin retards out there i swear they have gotten there lic. out of a cracker jack box so YES to FULL PPE and AirPacks
Many departments are still stuck in the stone age when it comes to PPE at car fires. I have heard many times the saying i"it was just a car fire". These set in stone departments resist change until tragedy strikes then they figure out all of the stories they hear can happen to them also.
Well I got it. Even with the unchanged emoticon :)
I agree. Fellow fire fighters should keep their eyes open but the chief has to have the guts to call someone not wearing proper PPE back.
Here in Germany a chief will do so because he knows that he will be held responsible for any shortcomings on the fire ground.
Full PPE should always be worn as well be required period no matter what! The fire officer or senior firefighter is responsible for the safety of the crew and to let this happen tells some people should go back to basic fire ground opperations and read up or take some classes with certified instructors. The macho crap is dead so learn and live!

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