Okay, we all have nicknames for our guys in the station. What are some of the names used in you station? I'll start it off....Come along Delong, Sweet Pete, Doc, Gumby, Black Bart.

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well i have capt. crunch,birdie,roids,saint dickless,pudding pop,icepick, luck, stonier,
Mine is LT Robo.

Robo started when someone called me ROBO over the radio. I was at the most calls for my DEPT over a 6 month period, and like Robocop, who was at EVERYTHING, robo just stuck.

Lets see..nick names..

Our Deputy Chief who is 67 or so HATES being called Chief. So we call him:
Mistah Coleman-Chief (haha)- Chief Wrecka Driva (He owns a wrecker biz..fyi..haha) or Win (Winfred is his name)

A few people call the Assistant Chief Dad. Or grampa.

We call one fireman Highway 9 time to time because hes also, on the highway crew (duh.haha)
We normally just use first names.
I have had the nick name of Mickey since I was the age of one, most people don't know me as Mike. I have had the nick name for 55 years now.
beech, Cap. sparky
The newest nick names I have been given are, Yankee, Rock, Truckie, and ODY
We have one guy we call "Juicebox" because he is only 18 and we keep telling him to put his juice box down and respond to our calls.
My lastest nickname is Irish Fury, the other Engineer on my shift, Mike is called Michelle. Then the rest of the shift is Princess, Mexican, AL & Willy Wonka and the new guy is Shirley. Somehow I'm not complaining about Irish Fury.. lol
we have a rolly thats me
Just added a new one, Tender for one of our guys who makes the last truck out.
Mines Shaggy cuz i used to have long bushy hair, Kool Aid, Peewee, Slick, Hurricane Boo, Chesy, Pappy, Screech, Pretty Boy, Pops..
Mine is Dino, 'cause my last name is Denovich and I worked for a guy from Jamaica some years ago and he couldn't pronounce Denovich and started calling me Dino. Our brush truck captain is flood, because he put the brush unit in the creek and flooded it up to the windshield. My wife only knows him as flood, actually.
Let's see...there is Pinky, Pinky Jr., Roho, Barnie, Papaw(me) and Snowflake.

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