Yup, I wana see the urban assult vehicles that everyone is running to fire and ems calls. especially with what everone is running to move traffic.
Here's mine.

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here is one of my attack vehichles
Im jealous of all the strobes and wig-wags. Here in IL (according to the State Police) we are allowed one blue light, whether its a mini-bar on the dash or one of the old blue "gum balls." I have a gum ball that I got at a public works auction. As a candidate, I don't need it yet, but my 2001 Dodge Intrepid probably wouldn't hold all the swag that some of you have. I have to admit it looks cool, but I am less than one minute from my station so I would barely have time to wind all that stuff up. I'm always shocked when I hear of states or municipalities that allow sirens. I plan on rolling down my window and yelling "Move it, moron." Seriously, I really have enjoyed seeing the POVs. Some of our guys have serious vehicles, but still just the one light. I have images of some of our FFs sitting at the longest light in town with their blues flashing and drumming their fingers on the steering wheel.
that's not true in IL any longer. We are allowed the wigwags and blue grill lights as well as the dash strobe. The trooper you talked too is out dated. the law was changed in 2001. Check out http://www.legis.state.il.us/scripts/imstran.exe?LIBSINCWHB0161
"I have images of some of our FFs sitting at the longest light in town with their blues flashing and drumming their fingers on the steering wheel."

'Been there...done that. I've never run a red light on a call unless it was late at night and had come to a full stop and looked both ways, but if there was any kind of traffic, we weren’t authorized to "take extraordinary right of way." as the Chief put it. Because it was a Department of Public Safety, he was chief of both the Fire and Police divisions of the Department...and he lived at the intersection with the longest light in town!

Because we weren’t authorized lights or siren on POVs, I always rolled to calls with my four-ways flashing and my pager velcro’d to the dashboard.

Patience is a virtue, Grasshopper. :-)

I love those gum drop lights, I had one but someone lifted it from my garage. Thanks for the add.
I like that.... now that looks like a real "Urban Assult Vehicle". That looks cool!
just clic on upload file with your reply.
Nice looking pick up. Gotta be someplace they don't put salt on the roads!
I hear ya, the Durango has lots of room but that 8 cyl. eng. really suck the gas down.
The whole concept of POV's running lights and sirens just astounds me! We have no such laws here in Oz, and I see no way it will ever get approved.

For me, I think it's the best way to go. There's enough moron drivers of emergency vehicles without adding more to the roads in their own cars.

Out of interest, where do you stand if lets say your on the way to a call in your POV all lit up like a Christmas Tree and are involved in an MVA. Is the department liable in any way?
I am not sure about other departments but we have pretty stricted rules. We run blue and white lights, strobes and audible siren wig wags. Most of us work full time jobs so we have a few miles to drive just to get to the fire house. We must obey all traffic regulations we are required to stop at all stops and proceed when the intersection acknowledges our presents. We are not allowed to exceed the posted speed limit although most of us do with caution, if we don;t show up because of a wreck, then we are not helping out. We run alot of EMS calls and almost everyone on our department is an EMT or above we carry jump bags in our vehichles provided by the ambulanc service. Usually the non first responders will grab a truck and meet us at all the scenes. Now do remember we live in a rural area with 525 square miles to cover, so everyone doesn't live right at the station. As long as you are not in a fire vehichle there is know liability on the fire department if you are involved in an accident, unless you are on the scene and someone hits your vehichle, we are reqired to carry and show proof of an applicable amount of insurance on your vehichle that exceeds the basic minimum of what normal people carry.

Here is mine. May not look like much, but trust me when I say, she can take up speed and get where I need her quickly. She ( yes, she,lol) is boarded 30 over, modified 350 small block , 327 crank, forged domed pistons,Nitrous,Holly 750 double pumper carb and I can go on forever ( helps when your family is mechanics and you know mechanics that rebuild motors for Nascar and other professional racers,winks*), but its great for all the dang hills and curves ( I swear they followed a dang drunk farmer when they made these roads), low to the ground and hugs the road great (which we all know about the top heavy emergency vehicles, take those turns slowly,and for heavens sake, don't take a curved on-ramp at high speeds,lol ,which takes the ETA a bit longer,lol). I do take her on the tracks to get the adrenaline going in my veins, but that is really the only time I throw her down. On the main streets how-ever, I drive 5 miles above the speed limit ( allowable), but it is easy to weave her through traffic via emergency vehicles.Light bars will NOT go on top of my t-tops.I have emergency tags, and reflective emergency stickers ,but thats as far as that goes. I have been going P.O.V. to a scene for over 21 years. Only time I actually go POV is when I am on call and the scene is closer to where I happen to be at that time when the call comes through. I must agree with Mike about how others respond and notices you anyways...they don't. We also are not allowed to run lights, sirens etc on your POV, and the only ones attending a scene in your POV is an officer(Fire and EMS) or team Leader (rescue squad), otherwise we will have way to many POV at the scene just causing more of a chaos. How-ever there are exceptions periodically.

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