In the Department I belong to give two way radios to all the line offers, and any firefighter that would like to have a two way radio only needs to get pemision from the Chief, and he, or she can purchase their own, and the department will program it for you. When we use the radio, our call sign is our ID number. I must say it works well within our Department. How do other departments feel about the uses of radio's?

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At my dept we issue all Members radios , When we are paged out by 911 each member that is responding will let 911 know .
Hey Shane, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
I must say that is a little different, most only use the radio
when the fire truck is responding. Do you respond to the
fire house, or to the scene of the call when you answer up ??
How many members do you have in yourdepartment ??
If you woulden't mind getting back to me, I would like to here
your answers. Mick
We issue radios to the officers and have spare rarios on the trucks if needed. It works good for us. The Valley side of my county issues radios to the whole dept, and they have a lot of stuff said over the radio that dont need to be herd out in scanner land.
Hey Tyson, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
We have things in place much like you do. I can understand
how there could be a problem with everyone having a radio.
Thanks again, and be safe out there Brother
the department i'm with everyone has a radio. i think it's good that everyone has radios. you never know who is going to answer up when the tones drop. we have people that can't drive the trucks so its good to know when we are going to have a driver. plus when their is a fire you can pre-plan ahead with the number of people that answer up. i'm not saying that everyone in the hole department answer but at less two members of each station. we have six stations in the county and as an officer i like to know if i need to start heading to the station when another station is page out. yes their are the ups and downs with everyone having a two way radio. you just have to see what works best for the department you are with.
Hey Kirk, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
How many members do you have in your department ??
You did say that you have six stations, so i'm just thinking
that you come from a large department. I guess it's good that
all your members have radio's, and yes, I agree with you on what
works best for the department is the way to go. Again thanks for
the information, and be safe out there Brother.
Hey Jeff, Good to hear again from you, and thanks for responding
to the discussion. I agree with you as far as everyone having radio's,
If they abuse it, they loss the privilege, it's that simple.
Thanks again, stay safe Brother.
Hey Mick, our Dept. went with paging radios( pr 400) everyone has one they are working out well. I feel that every firefighter needs a radio on the fire scene. the fire officers also can talk to other local depts. We have a 911 band that all fire,rescue,police and all other local depts have. So we can all be on the same band if need be.
Hey Chief, Good to hear from you again, and thanks for responding
to the discussion. It sound as if you have it all covered as far as your
communications go. Sounds like a good program. Thanks again, and
stay safe out there Brother.
We have two types of radios that are "issued out". We have a portable that is in communication with the County Dispatch, and the GMRS that is not. With the "County" radio, they are issued to Chief, Chief-1, Chief-2, Fire Police Capt. (no idea why), 2 in Rescue 7 for Interior Operation with the air packs, and One in each Ambulance. No other Line Officer is issued one. The GMRS are in somewhere in the area of about 20 or so, and are used during the County Fair (Mainly for EMS), and any large scene that we may have. These radios aren't issued to anyone, they are kept in a "tool box", and ready to use at a moments notice.
Thank you for responding to the discussion LVVFD622.
Sounds as if you have plenty of raidos within your department.
Thanks again, and be safe out there Brother.
Well that not the latest of it. I just found out that at out Monthly Meeting this past Monday, we are getting more.

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