In the Department I belong to give two way radios to all the line offers, and any firefighter that would like to have a two way radio only needs to get pemision from the Chief, and he, or she can purchase their own, and the department will program it for you. When we use the radio, our call sign is our ID number. I must say it works well within our Department. How do other departments feel about the uses of radio's?

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Our department just recently give each firefighter a radio. Our pagers were out dated and could not be repaired any more. Our major concern with the radios were give out was unnecessary radio traffic. So far it has worked well. Before the only communication we had at a fire scene was through one of our line officers. I believe as a safety issue, each firefighter should have their own radio. If they abuse the use of the radio, it can always be taken away.
I guess you will be well supplied, wow that's a lot of radio's.
Thanks again for the additional information Brother.
Hey Trevor, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
I agree with you as far as everyone not needing a radio, but you
just never know. Thanks again, and be safe out there Brother.
Everyone in our department is issued a radio. Everyone on the fireground should have one, but not everyone should be talking on it. Good radio discipline is required to keep traffic to a minimum with only essential radio traffic being transmitted preferably by the company officer. I like what damnthing said...."shut up and do your job". Words to live by...if more people did that, then things would actually get done.
In our dept. only officers have radios. Now what happens when their is limited manpower on seen, you go into a building with an officer with a radio, your somewere in the middle of the building when the floor colapses and your officer with the radio falls to the basement and is unresponsive, and you get pinned with no way of contacting command. Now shouldn't everybody have radio's for safety, but know how to use them !
Everyone in our dept. has a radio. We area rual dept and it's goodto know who is coming and how much help we're going to need. Our unit numbers are our radio numbers.
Hey Malissa, Thank you for responding to the discussion.
I think that's great that all the members have radio's, this way
everyone can hear whats going on at the fire sence, and your right
about abuse of the radio, they can always loss the privaleges.
Thanks again, and be safe out there Sister.
Hey Truckeewards, Good to hear from you again, and thanks for responding
to yet another one of my discussions. I agree with you as far as everyone having
a radio. This way everyone knows whats going on at the fire sence. I also agree with
damnthing, only the Officers need to be using the radio's, everyone else should be
doing their job. Well, thanks again, and be safe out there Brother.
Hey David, Thanks again for responding to yet another one
of my discussions. Thank you for sharing your information in
reguards to the amount of radio's you have in Green County. It seems
that having each member having a radio works for your county.
Stay safe out there Brother.
Hey Zakman, Thanks for responding to the discussion.
I have to agree with you. I feel as if all firefighters should have
radio's, however not all department can afford to give all their
members radio's mainlly due to the expence of what radio's cost.
I know you are probaly saying a life is worth more then a radio, and
you would be right. I hope in time things will change for your department
where all your members have a radio. Until then, be safe out there Brother.
Hey John, Thanks for responding to the discussion. I have to
agree with you, I feel as if the department can afford to give all
their members radio's that great. Thanks again, and stay safe out
there Brother.
We have designated officer radios on each apparatus and three others. Operationally we want team leaders to have the radio and make comms. While this has worked so far, the fact that if a member of the team becomes seperated they have no way to communicate a mayday or position/status. I don't think everyone on the fireground should have a radio but if you are interior, yes. Motorola makes a 1-channel, 2w portable that could be set to a dedicated frequency. Attach one to each SCBA and every interior member would have comms available if needed

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