Does anyone else train in their full turnouts while in the gym like jogging on the treadmill or doing the stair climber? Just curious on what you all do, so if you've got some ideas throw'em out. I've even started jogging in full turnouts with an scba on, wow what a workout for 30 minutes.

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If you wanna train for "combat challange" that is one thing, but there is probably a very good reason why you have never seen a "fire fighter full turnout fitness" video. Lets face it, if it was a really good idea some enterprising firefighter would have marketed it by now. However it is TOO dangerous. Ever wonder why your department doesnt have a fitness regime like this? There is a reason....SAFETY! In my department you wouldnt be allowed to use your turnouts at a public gym and if they found you doing "stairs" or other PT off duty in your could get written up...many reasons, but the paramount would be safety...and with full SCBA ...air on....why? Do you do this workout with a partner just in case you take a tumble off the treadmil or fall off the stairs?

I just dont get the reasoning here.....It sounds almost like holding your breath while you SCUBA dive to conserve air
I see your piont, kinda. Ok the scba thing is probably a bad idea, I just use it for the weight its not hooked up nor do I put the face piece on. But we all go to the gym to burn calories right and keep ourselve fit, so whats the difference if I use my coat and pants to do it faster, trust me I keep hydrated and would not push my self to falling over. I dont see a major difference in wearing a weighted vest or watching people do it with sweatshirts on. I'm only doing it for 30 minutes.
I've done confidence courses I'll Call them or obstical courses for a workout and training at the same time. I wouldn't wear them to the gym. But during the obstical course we have steps to climb, equipment to carry, and various tasks to we do on a regular basis at a fire ground. So ya I work out in fire gear and SCBA but I'm training more than anything. Great discussion question TI
yes I do do this with a partner. I don't go to the gym but I do do stairs etc. We do stairs carrying various pieces of equipment, I 've done various obsticals with full turnout and SCBA. and yes it is a good idea to wear SCBA, you learn Air management and your capabilities and your fellow firefighters limitations.

i agree with you that in a controlled environment "train the way you play!" The original posting sounded as if T.J. was just going to the local gym with his bag o' gear for a workout....I disagree with that situation entirely. However in your case it sounds as if it is more or less controlled environments WITH a partner or crew...That is AWESOME! There is nothing like doing it!
Tony, I agree. Help me out. A full set of our turn out gear and a SCBA wieghs in at about 60 lbs. In your photo, you do not appear to be wearing what most of us do. Do you have an idea what that combination weighs in Australia ?
Try wearing full PPE and rideing a stationary bike , air on. Doing this gives you an idea about how long an air pack will last , 30 or 60 minute plus as you stated it is a great work out. You might want try doing pull ups also with full PPE and SCBA , what if you have pull yourself up from a bad problem?
I have walked on the tradmill wearing SCBA on air, no tunout, and found it to be good training. Our station has two treadmills side by side. A vetran walking along side a rookie is a drill that can greatly lengthen the "air" time of a rookie who can get nervous and pull down a bottle fast on scene. There is a pack and mask designated to the fitness room, turnout would not be allowed.
What's wrong with working out at the fire house ????
So do you think what I'm doing is ok, my dept. does not have their own gym, so we use a local one and they dont mind me walking on the treadmill with my gear on as long as I have clean gear and my shoes on. Do you think I should try the treadmill with full air hook up sometime. Thanks
Right on "train the way you play", trust me I'm a medic too and I would not push my self over the edge, I do take my vitals before and after my training and I do check my heart rate during my walk with full gear on. Do you think I'd be better off to just get the weighted vest and then go to town on the treadmill or what? Thanks
It would depend on the training.

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