I was just wondering what type of Ladder Trucks do you have in your Departments.
Where I came from in New York, we had two ladder trucks. One was a 100 Ft. American
LaFrance Tiller, and the second was a 100 Ft. Mid Mount Seagrave. Just as I was leaving
the department was getting a 100 Ft. Rear mount Platform.
The Department I am with now has a 50 Ft. American LaFrance Squirt.
I will say that it is a much smaller Department I am with now, but I am hoping that
some day soon it will be replaced with a larger Ladder. It is 29 years old, and has been
a excellent truck, and still looks good for it's age.

So tell me, " Whats In Your Department "

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In my department we have a 75 foot snorkel that we got second hand a few years ago.It is perfect for what we need it for:elevated water.Many of our houses are either set back from the main road or up steep driveways and having 'sticks' or a 'platform on sticks' would be ineffective to use in case of ventilation of rescues from a window.Most of our working fires end up being at the pallet factory down the road or at the ISE egg farm.when these go up teh game plan is surround and drown, so the snorkel is perfect.
We don't. Sorry man. My old dept. has a 75' snorkel and a 95' platform though. Does that count?
Nice towers!!!
We have a 2000 E-ONE Cylcone II rear mount 100' straight stick.
1973 american lafrance and its for sale
well its a great truck still runs great and still can be certified
we have a 75ft mid mount sutphen stick it is almost 20 years old but as it sounds with your dept it is in awesome condition and it is teh first we have owned as it was mandated by iso otherwise we would not have it
we have a 1998 E-one cyclone II 75ft quint

We have a 1992 Simon LTI 75' quint. Which we are looking at to replace.

In Los Angeles city Fire Dept we use American LaFrance areial ladders, these are a few of them

The first one is a 2007
the 2nd is a 2009
the 3rd one (my truck) is a 2001[but we are getting a brand new truck in December, a brand new 2010]
and the 4th one is a 2004

Explorer Capt Marc Hurwitz
Los Angeles City Fire Dept
Sure havnt seen a snorkel in a long time
We dont currently have any. Our 2nd due engine is being replaced soon and its up for debate on whether it will be a new engine or tower that will take its place. I'm definatly voting tower.

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