U guys have probably done this B4, but what r ur favorite station pranks?
I was all over the place: short-sheetin beds, shaving cream in the boots, billiard balls in helmets, saran wrap the toilets, but my favorite (it never failed to scare the hell out of 'em @ 2 AM) was with battery switches off, turn EVERYTHING on on EVERY unit. Yeah, I'm a sick, sadistic little SOB!

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My favroite pranks are having the rookies look for the bucket of steam which they do look for and then you send them to firehouse after firehouse to find or the left handed screw driver. oh and the famous siren and head light fluid. We also will get a co extinguisher or water can while someone is in on the hopper pretty funny
Is this really a safe idea? I echo the comments above made by durhamffemt. Never screw with gear or apparatus. If there was an accident, good luck getting compensation is someone found out you messed with personal gear or apparatus. That's treading on thin ice.

We just had a guy suspended over a prank that went wrong. Not something you want on your record.
That being said, pranks can be fun and agreed, a part of tradition, but don't endanger someone for a laugh. Use your heads.
kool-aid powder in gloves or boots. Turns skin colors.
Have you ever seen or pulled the train on someone. If not here's how this one works when someone is in a deep sleep get a few guys, a pillow(a nice heavy pillow works great), and a bright flash light. Get one guy holding the pillow one with the flahlight and then you turn the light on in thier face yell train as loud as you can when they sit up hit them in the face with the pillow and run like hell lol.
our bunk room has an inward opening door. After everybody went to sleep one not me and another officer taped a plastic sheet to the back of the door frame up to the roof forming a pocket between the door and plastic. We then went to the local shipping company and acquiered a few trashbags of packing peanuts and filled this pocket with them. It took about 4 55 gallon trash bags. In the middle of the night when we caught a call as the guys woke up to run out of the bunk room the were faced with an avalanche of styrofoam. All you heard was a lot screaming and cuussing. That was about a year ago and we are still finding peanuts around the station.
This is for the One who always leaves is Station uniform laying around. Fold it nice and crisp, put it in an oven baking dish, fill it with water, letting it soak of course, and put it in the freezer. When they look for it and find it in freezer, they see thier name and rank clear as day, frozen solid of course. This has also been done with a gallon milk jug, it just takes a little more work.
Doing the ole bunker pants switcheroo
ohhhh damn that's good
This is for ANYONE who dares to run a female firefighter out of the bathroom....
Leave a pile of brown stuff in the toilet and not flush. I heard the guy yelling all the way across the compound.
As far as the others...great ideas. The baby powder in the vehicle ducting can cause respiratory problems. Not something that anybody should have to try and deal with on the way to a call...(plus it never comes out...2 years later I'm still seeing powder come out when we hit the window defroster:P ).
lol... you have no idea how many times I have had to flush and clean before i would dare use the toilet. You would have better luck freaking out the guys at my station with that one... lol.

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