In the Department I belong to give two way radios to all the line offers, and any firefighter that would like to have a two way radio only needs to get pemision from the Chief, and he, or she can purchase their own, and the department will program it for you. When we use the radio, our call sign is our ID number. I must say it works well within our Department. How do other departments feel about the uses of radio's?

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Ah Jack I just read your post...we must have had the same experiences on different sides of the U.S.A.

I actually had to wait to give size up once because a FF was telling us that he thought he smelled smoke!

Oh BTW my size up was something like;

Eng461 on scene ...2 story wood residential structure fully involved...smoke and flame showing roof and upper floor windows...send out 2nd alarm...

Huh....and he smelled smoke????
LOL Jake. He smelled smoke. Cracked me up.
Issue of radios? No. We don't even have them for each seat in the pumpers. Calling for help if something goes wrong inside a building? That's what the DSU is for (PASS in North America).

In my Region we have one dispatch channel for about 50 individual Brigades, this is on repeater. There are three other non repeater channels available for fireground use. We definitely wouldn't want every man and his dog talking on the radio! We are alerted to calls by alpha/mumeric pagers.
Currently we have issued radios to about 25 of the 35 members we have. The people that do not get one are probationary FF's. This may be changing since we are switching over to our new 800 mghz radio system in september. We have been told by the county that everyone will be issued a portable and we have also heard that only officers will get radios and then one for each seat on the trucks.
Every officer has one, 4 spare in mobile command, 1 each in the engines. I like the idea of each seat, but everyone should be paired up so not every seat needs one. We have always grabbed one of the spares from command, IC and or opps and staging need 2, depending on size of scene.
In our Dept all on duty members have a radio for the shift. We have a number of staff that carry radios 24/7. We also have enough spare for any call in staff for the spare apparatus we have.
our dept has the policy that officers have them and some of the firefighters have them but we have extras on our trucks for interior attacks
We issue radio's to the officers only. there are two members who bought their own with permission of the chief. There are enough radio's on the rigs for use upon arrival at the scene. Not everybody should have the right to have a radio or even use it just because it's cool to hear yourself over the air.
I agree with Jack and Jake. radio's are and should be used for prioritized transmitting. If you want to chat on a radio go buy a walkie talkie at Walmart and stay off my operations channel!!
I am on a career department where everyone is issued there personal radio, 41 of us in all. I am also on a volunteer department with 30 members and I blelieve all but 4 of the members have a department radio.
We have some officers I would like to take their radios away. Sorry thinkin out loud.
Our department is pretty small, so pretty much all our members have radios. It works good for us because often there are only 3-4 of us to make runs, a lot of our roads are very curvy and having radios really helps for traffic control when you can't see the other guy and he's to far away to yell at.
In my small rural dept, all our officer's have a radio, we also have given radio's to a hand full fire fighters who live in certain area's and work in certain area's of our coverage district. It's basically to provide us with a wider coverage for a first on scence. It seems to work well for us. We also stress keeping radio traffic to a minimum.

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