What is That one call you will never forget..Sad Funny Rare or anything else...tell us about it

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Mine was a medical first responder call on Easter sunday. The call went out as an mva, veh vs. rider.I was first on the scene and found a two year old little girl that had been run over by a farm tractor. She was riding on the tractor with her father and somehow fell off and was run over by the rear tire. When I got there I took her from her mother and when I went to lay her on the ground she took her last breath in my arms. We started cpr and worked her until she was transported, but we never got her back.
Mine was also my first call, May 1985. It was a fatal car fire. Myself, my BC, and 2 other firefighters arrived on scene to a vehicle over the embankment, fully involved with people inside. They were already dead. The car was unrecognizable, which made it worse. When we went back to the fire hall, and started cleaning, you know, getting back in service, when a trooper came to the fire hall. It turned out that the DOA's were my BC's sister and her husband. None of us knew, including him. So that is how he was notified, and I have never forgotten how our family was so affected, so early in my career. I also help start the CISD team in my area, just a few years later.
mine was last year, I stopped by the squad (where I worked and volunteer'd) I decided to take a an ems call for a friend/coworker who was feeling sick. it was a BS call at the local correctional center where a prisoner had charlie brown'ed on a slick floor. we get there and wait, the chase vehicle arrives and waits, the gate guards get there and wait. The control to the sally ports are in the tower adjacent, and it wasn't opening. the guards were yelling up to the tower, noone answered. I figured the guard was simply asleep, and in for a world of trouble when the supervisor got there. my partner and I ascended the tower and looked through the hatch, and didn't see anything. we opened it up and my partner looked at me and said "he's dead!". Still not grabbing the concept, I thought maybe he had passed out or something, something else. Well I climbed into the compartment of the tower and cut on the lights and there on the floor was a 21 y/o male, laying on the floor with his guard shirt as a pillow, and an AR15 pointed between his eyes. I won't go into details for the sake of those who aren't too keen about blood and guts, but to this day I have nightmares about that call. I sometimes sit and think about that day, how it wasn't even my duty that night. I found out afterwards the boy had killed himself because his girlfriend had left him. He was stationed inside the center and wanted to go home, but they would not let him go because they were understaffed so they put him in the tower because it was much slower paced and lower in stress.

However it was also one of the few posts that had firearms.

I don't think I will ever forget that night. He looked almost peaceful.
Ok my story is a funny one. We responded to a rollover involving a small car. well shortly after we got there and the driver taken away by the medics, the police asks us to pop the trunk. So me and my friend pop the trunk open and the moment we did a manacan head fell out. The ones you use for practicing hair styles on. so we all jumped back at the sudden suprise of a head. The my Asst. Chief grabs it by the hair and shows are Chief who jumps at the sudden suprise of it. All of this happened next to a busy highway with many people driving by staring at the head.
mine would be responding to a car accedent only to find that it was a fatality and it was my wife.
the call I remember was a bad house fire that a friend of mind died in it was 3am in the morning aug 2007
I've had to break ice off my turnout coat in order to get out of it, too. Just a couple of months ago. It was ten below zero. I kept freezing to everything I touched, and at the end of it, I couldn't bend anything until the ice was broken off.
February, 1984. Working rescue I responded to three infants that were unresponsive. We worked on all three of the babies. They all died. Two of SIDS and one choking on a balloon.
Then, We received a call of a women in labor, about to deliver. We got to the scene, the woman was already in the back of the ambulance. I went along, as she wanted a women in the rig with her.
With in five minutes I delivered my first baby. Slippery, messy, loud.... the best sound in the world, a newborn crying infant.
The perfect ending to a horrible month. I wish I could meet the kid, now an adult. I still remember his name.
When all hell is breaking loose, always keep an eye out for the angel.
we rolled up on I40 at the 137 mile marker to a 3 vehicle wreck. it was 105 degrees in shade, in mid July. first truck to arrive on scene. it had a dodge intrepid that was tore in half with the engine compartment in the median and the rest of the vehicle in opposite lane of traffic with two deceased still in car. people everywhere with bystanders already working on 6 month old baby boy that was in vehicle 2(Nissan minivan) doing CPR. the other vehicle was not hurt. but i think of this child often because mine was 10 months at time and it was the only one in the minivan not buckled in. they were in a hurry and mom was breast feeding baby in the passenger seat when the intrepid landed on the windshield of minivan. i guess it will haunt me till i am gone. lost one of my best firefighters that day also due to this incident.
The call was a rather sad one. I was chief at the time and we were dispatched to a two vehicle crash. I was resopnding direct from workand was first on scene to find an elderly couple had been hit inthe A post by aneighteen wheeler. The truck was parked away from the scene as he made contact with the car and kept on going around the curve. The unexpected elderly gentleman driving the car was slipping away fast. After a rather short and organized extrication we loaded him into the chopper and he died in flight, as his wife sat on scene un injured. A fter investigation it was proven that the elderly gentleman and the truck driver were both in the clear as far as fault is concerned, the trucker never drove agian.

Come to find out the road was at fault. Earlier that summer the road had been resurfaced and it was a hot summer. As the truck started into the curve at the suggested speed he realized he was turning but the truck was going straight as it was sliding on the tar that was oozing up from the road because the contractor did not put enough stone on the surface and the truck slammed into the elderly couples car that had just left there home. Even though the wife one many law suits it still sticks in my mind that an inicent person lst there life because someone did a crappy job on a road project and that I told his wife things would be ok.
The call I'll never forget happened March 1993...I just became a "blackhat" in December of 1992 and the biggest thing I saw prior was a dumpster fire. Well, one March day a plane crashed in my hometown. I got to the scene expecting to see some people with bumps and bruises and that's it. After a half hour of standing around by the engine, the captain took me over to the crash site and there I saw the plane (which looked like a volkswagen beetle with wings)all crumpled up from impact, and inside the plane were 6 dead bodies.Reality had set in . Things like this DO happen. In the 17 years I've been on, nothing like this has happened since...And I hope it never does
Had less than a year on the Dept. at the time; tones from my radio had awaken me, ( SOUTH HAVEN FIRE RESPOND TO GOVERNOR RD,HAVE RECIEVED SEVERAL CALLS FOR A VEHICLE VS. PEDESTRIANS 2 CHILDREN APROXIMATELLY 4YRS OLD) OH MY GOD!!! as I was leaving the house dispatch came across with: ( ALL RESPONDING SOUTH HAVEN UNITS CALLERS ARE ADVISING CHILDREN ARE TRAPPED UNDER THE VEHICLES WHEELS) when we got on scene a neighbor had just gotten a car jack out of his garage to lift the car in order to free the kids, who at this point were still alive . The little girl had the driver side front tire sitting on her chest,and the little boy had the rear passenger tire sitting on his chest. Obviously both kids died . We got them to the local hospital from there they were flown to chicago . As it turned out they were playing on a skateboard, both kids sat on the skateboard and would roll down the driveway into the street, along comes a lady late for work,and because dad had his dodge ram 3500 series work truck parked in the street it blocked the view of the driveway for passing motorists. I was fine till me and another rookie at the time had to go back and wash the blood off the street, thats when it hit me , the little girls tiny shoe laying in a pool of blood , and finding several of the little boys teeth in the street. But thats it thats the one ill always remember. I still know the kids names to this day .... Even though i cant see their faces. D.CZAPLA 2808 SOUTH HAVEN FIRE

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