To all my brothers and sisters in the fire and ems service.

I want o start a virtrual bar here on this site. This is will be a place where we can stop and say howdy and have a few drinks and visit with each other. We gather for sport events, have a few drinks or have a meal. Or just what ever we want to do. Remember this is a virtual bar.

To start things off. We have a soild four side Oak Bar with Brass foot rest with Soild Oak bar stools. Have 10 big Soild Oak tables w/chairs that seat 10 people per table. We have a game room w/ three pool tables. I'll leave the vedio games up to the ones that play them things on what they want to add. We have a big 20 X 30 Deck out back w/ two Spas. We have 6 big screen plasma TV's 4 in the bar area. One in the game room and one out on tha deck.

The bar is fully stocked. We have pop, water sport drinks for the under age and the non alcoholic Bothers and Sisters.

Feel free to add anything to the saloon as you wish. This can also be a place where new people can stop in and introduce there selves to us and buy us all a drink

Views: 5708

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hey jenn, too funnym ive been off from surgery, so just getting back on my feet. hey David, glad u r here, gearing up for the BB game in Detroit, go Spartans! coffee for me. and whatever for anyone else its on me.
Hey barkeep a round for all the Spartan fans tonight hope they pull it put out but i have my doughts Coors light please.
Nitecap time, I'll have a miller lite and a shot of jack!!
morning, coffee is on
Hey Gang, getting ready to go clean up the garage, so I'll have a miller lite long neck and a sandwhich!!
ok dont make me laugh it hurts. LMAO..
Just thought I would put the Wurlitzer Juke Box in the corner with the lights that flash while the music plays.All Your favs are installed.And by the way.....a round for the house,on Me.
"A toast to All that went before Us,and All that will come after Us!"
Alright... alright... alright... I gave ducky back.... lol
Dennis and who is that man behind him with the finger No way could it be .. No way I need more to drink because I'm thinking it looks like... Hummm more booze bar keep..
Thank you for the cool Juke box
Dennis is trying to catch a spot at the bar for his band I sent this tape for all to look at.. Should I book him for friday night...
Calab band tape...
so what do you guys think..


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