I'm sure that everyone is familiar with the Darwin awards, you know the award given to the " brightest"person, the one who does something so outrageous,you wonder if Darwin was right. The other day we get a call for a structure fire,upon arrival we find a double wide home, single wide home and a large storage shed/barn, and about 2.5 acres on fire, we also have two power lines down, and oh by the way, the wind is blowing at a steady 12-14 mph. well the Chief gets to the scene first w/ our 3000 gal pumper tanker and I follow shortly after with our 1200 gal engine. we call for extra tankers and personel form our neighboring county, in addition to our automatic mutual aid. We get the fires out and forestry gets a break plowed around the brush fire, and the power company gets the downed lines secured. The chief and I,both being trained fire investigators, get to looking for the cause and origin, and after talking w/ the family, we find out that one of the family members lit a fire in a " burn" barrel and then just left it. They didn't watch it, they didn't care that the wind was blowing and the humidity was low......... they just lit it and left it. Well this to me is proof that Darwin might have been right about natural selection and survival of the fittest.Oh, by the way, the barrel was in the middle of all three structures.

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The sad part is its almost never the Idiots that get hurt.. I.E. Arsonists, Dunk drivers etc.
We just had 2 candidates. They were working at a local produce company trying to remove a coupling from a pipe attached to an old tank. They decided to use a torch to remove the coupling from the tank....... A fuel tank..... An almost empty fuel tank! Guess what happened next? You got it; they each got to ride a helo to the nearest burn unit! They are still alive as far as I know so not true Darwin award winners (still in the gene pool) but defiantly runners up!
The shallow end of the gene pool. LOL...
Aint that the truth.
How long are they goinig to be out of the pool? Probably not long enough.
While not a true Darwin candidate this guy will eventually qualify i am sure. Guy comes home from a hard day at work and decides to have some fried shrimp for dinner. Puts on a pot of oil, high heat of course, and then remembers he wanted to change the blade on his lawnmower. His house and the one next to him now attest to his brilliant idea.
We had a guy that was splitting wood right nest to his porch. When he got done he piled all the small pieces of wood up and some trash from inside, poured his left over chainsaw gas on the pile. Then he lit the pile of rubbish and went inside to take a shower. The best part of the story is quote " I never would have thought it would ve done that" as he watches his house burn.
Makes you wonder what he thought would happen.Hmmm....... I wonder?
These contractors are installing the steel pillars in concrete to stop vehicles from parking on the pavement outside a Sports Bar downtown. They are now in the process of cleaning up at the end of the day and anxious to go home.

How long do you think it will be before they realize where they parked?
By the evidence probably take them awhile....... : )
nope, they are basically screwed...
And the winner is Boy if i only had a brain

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