Last week I went to lunch with some co-workers (non-FFs) and the discussion rolled around to my involvement with the FD. One of the guys said "well, you must have guys that just join the department for the drinking". This recalled to mind another comment by someone, some years back, who swore that ALL volunteer FFs drank at the station and "those who say they don't are lying".

In my department you might find a 6-pack or two if you look in every nook and cranny, but we really don't touch the stuff on drill night or after calls, or meetings. There just isn't stuff to touch. In the late 80s we had the converted soda machine that dispensed several brands of beer but we got rid of it because the Jr. FFs were becoming interested in the stuff.

So - what is your department policy or practice regarding alcohol in the firehouse?

NOTE: 10/16/09: I started this thread over two years ago to gather input from other volunteer firefighters on FFN as it was then. The new theme is, what steps can we take to make America's fire houses 100% dry?

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We also have a "zero tolerance" policy about alcohol (or any mind altering substance) on station property. Do volunteers show up under the influence? I hate to speculate but since we don't have "shifts" and are on call all the time the chances are better than in fully staffed stations. This is not accepted however. A FF better be able to maintain because if it is obvious that they are drunk (or whatever) they are sent home. If it happens on a regular basis, a talk with the chief is in order. I would hope that most FF's would respect their jobs, colleagues, and the public enough to not show up loaded. I don't drink but I used to and I can't see being able to function or being able to count on another FF who is under the influence.
Well I am speaking of fire fighters. Nurses and Police work are different job functions. The issue is knowing the difference between a couple and drunk or impaired. I have had incidents were I have literally cracked the first one and had a one sip. I don't see that as a problem for a fire fighter, then again the fire fighter isn't interacting with the patient or general public as much either. That is where EMS and Police folks are different.
It takes time. First you have to set the example. After a couple of years when you are no longer a new guy you can become an officer. And even if you are not an officer you can try to effect change.

Writing a letter to the mayor only works if the department is owned by the village or town. I know of at least one department in our area that is a private organization. They are all volunteer and they negotiate with the towns that they serve. If you are in that kind of department then it will be more difficult to make change.

One thing you can do is if you observe that someone is drunk you cna refuse to ride with them or have them as a partner.
Funny you should say that. I have seen departments around here do that as well. Now I don't have any real hard facts, but from an observational point of view it appears that the departments that are like that have a smaller enrollment and also don't run as well. Of course a smaller membership will make it more difficult to run effectively.
Try getting alot of members on your side then go to the BOD as a group and voice your reasons for wanting the dept. to sober up. If you can get most of the dept. behind you then the rest will hopefully follow. All the reasons have already been listed. Loosing the trust of the public, loosing the life of a ff or a member of the public, the loss of grants and other funding, the fire dept. closing and the bills of the families that can't be paid due to the inaproprate actions of the dept. Prepare your arguments in a calm and rational manor. If they don't want to get rid of the bar then come up with other ideas for uses of the bar.
Many who drink do not know the difference between a couple, more than a couple, being impaired or being drunk. This is something that cannot be left to the individuals to decide. There has to be a policy and procedure in place that will chart, correct and control the use of drugs/alcohol.
For those times that you have just cracked one open and took a sip, I would suggest carrying Mentos. That way, the medics won't be accusing the patient of having had something to drink.
Again; this is behavior imbedded in some departments culture, has been there for some time, so just asking them to "stop it" won't stop it.
It may take some very drastic measures, including turning over or closing down the entire department.
If the members truly care about their department and their community, they will adopt a plan such as a schedule, sign mutual aid agreements or combine with another department to allow the occasional drink without impacting call attendance.
Hey, Joe:
Does the thread starter have the privilege of deleting posts from the thread or just the entire thread?
I can't speak for everyone, but I am tired of a certain little turd who is trying to torpedo this discussion.
And I would suggest that anyone who wishes to continue this discussion completely and I mean completely ignore the one that I am referring to.
Also notice that I sign my name, give my address in my profile because I am not ashamed of what I have done, what I do or what I will do.
Art, I think only the web master can delete individual posts, perhaps when deleting the unwanted poster. I don't see it as an option and I certainly don't intend to delete or close this one just because of one little turd.

I am planning on ignoring him since he doesn't have anything constructive to say about the subject. If we all ignore him and don't respond to his "challenges" then he will just buzz off to bother someone else. If he continues to dredge up negative articles about the fire service I would look for Dave to banish him from the site.

I agree that we shouldnt even be wasting our time on a person who isnt even a part of our lives.. Just a wanna be or a hater... I would hope also that he can be banished from the site and not allowed to come back....

Get Home Safe and God Bless
" Never Forget "
I enjoy reading the info on this site; however there seems to be this BAD APPLE trying to slip in their own agenda. It is not a matter of responding to this person. This tb should not be able to post to a discussion if they just spout out crap that is not relevant. If this keeps up people will become discouraged from participating in these discussions. PLEASE WEB MASTER SHUT tb UP.
Thank you
At the bottom of this page, there is a link "Report an issue".
Click on it and report him.
WebChief reads them. I doubt that he reads all of the discussions.
I used it. Works good.
Be an advocate for change at your level. SET THE EXAMPLE, and mentor the younger FNGs, and be a social leader within your own peer group to change their attitude toward the profession. Once enough of the "Newbies" have the same mindset the "Old Guard" will be become the exception, rather than the rule in your department and then you can work to make the policy changes to “make it official." Dinosaurs do go extinct when a new species emerges.

Try writing to you State Law makers and ask them for legislation making it illegal for a professional First Responder to perform their duties under the influence; obviously this would have to apply to Volunteers as well acting an a "professional capacity."

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