Ok. Since I started as an EMT, I have carried a lightweight wildland fire helmet that somebody gave me in my gear and I use it when I climb in cars, around extrications, etc.

Here's what I need to know: the ones they are "issuing" us in academy are of two types: old and heavy. I dont mind the old at all and dont mind the heavy if I can control it doesnt impeded me doing what I need to do. I have been looking at Morning Pride stuff and I like it. I think I prefer to go with goggles instead of a face shield. The question is, do I go with something more "traditional" like the Ben 2 or are the lightweights even worth anything. I dont mind heavy bunkers or packs, I just hate having something on my head that feels like an anvil and Im finding that alot of the younger fire fighters in my class are snapping their necks trying to control that helmet. Maybe they just need to build up their neck muscles. Any sincere info appreciated. I am also short on cash so if anyone has a good condition helmet that they might be willing to make a deal on after replacing it with a new one....please let me know by PM. Muchos Thankos.

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I have the Cairns 1010 with Defender visor. It was around $199 and it is very lightweight. It's more of the traditional style which I like , but doesn't come with the traditional weight.
What is your reason for wearing a helmet? Personal safety in regards to the breaking glass and destruction of jaws and other extracation work, or possibility of fire while the prior goes on. You might want to look at helmets made by Pacific helmets. In particular their helmet for high angle rescue and rescue work. These may serve your need while reducing the weight factor and they are compact. However I don't think I would be to sure that they would have much thermal protection built into them. If you are looking for minimal thermal protection you might want to consider wearing a FF hood under the helmet. As always though you'll need to folllow your dept sog's and other regs that may apply in your state. http://www.thefirestore.com/store/manufacturer.cfm/manufacturerid_1... This is a good site to look at the helmets in question
I think perhaps I didnt make myself clear. I am in fire school. The reason that I have been wearing the wildland helmet is that i have been working as a pay per call EMT. The wildland helmet has only been used for not getting my head caved in while in and around extrications and disentanglements while either working on a patient in side the car or working on then through a popped window. Now that the fire ground is coming into play, I need a helmet meant for fire service.

I like the look of the Ben 2, especially with the flip down visor, but have also been considering some more lightweight helmets. I'll be working for a smallish, village department (about 30,000 people because we also respond into the county) and though I will be fighting fire, the understanding is that I am there to do a lot of EMS/rescue/FF rehab. I don't know if the new, lighter, more-modern looking helmets offer as good a protection thermally and impact wise as the older style. I know that the ribbing on the older style adds to its strength. Also, I wear glasses, so I have to decide whether or not I should go with a visor or goggles that will fit over my glasses or a visor and then get some Oakleys that can have my prescription put into them. I leaning toward the latter and in fact am leaning toward the more sleek looking modern styles with that flip down visor.

I guess Im just wondering what the experience of others is with both types. I would be interested in hearing leather vs. composite even though i am not going to be shelling out cash any time soon for a leather helmet. So I guess this could turn into a "what do you wear and why." Keep in mind that my department (by the way, everything was just classified as good to go this morning (officially) so I start school this coming Saturdy (2/9), runs 85%+ medical and MVC. They dont require helmets on most medicals, depending on the nature of the call. Obviously a heart attack doesnt require it, but a heart attack on a construction site would. They will be issuing us helmets at such time as we need them to progress in school, but we are also free to purchase our own. As was suggested by the first poster, I am tempted to go the way of ebay and by a used helmet, rehab it, get it looking the way I want it and use it as a test helmet during training.
Look at the Cairns/MSA 880. Most bang for the buck. This is their most affordable and lowest profile traditional style helmet. After that would be the 360 structural model.
I started in a Cairns Metro, then a 1010, and now I wear an N6a, and I don't think I'll ever wear anything else! I'm a leather head and hope everyone will be as well. They're pricey, but worth it. Check out ebay for an N6a, good way to find them if you decide its what you want.
Unfortunately, my first helmet will be the blazing yellow "Rookie Bucket" by Morning Pride. Its a good looking helmet, they are new when they issue them to us and we have to wear them for the first 240 hours of service running calls. Then they supply us with nice looking Ben 2 Classics (black) and we get to keep our rookie helmet. They actually got a grant and those of us who do not have bunker gear will be getting measured next week for brand new sets of turn outs and boots. I hope they go with leather boots, but Im not gonna hold my breath.

Thanks all for the suggestions. And behold my glorious Rookie Bucket!!! Ain't she pretty?

SK. NPFD (Illinois)

First I understand that you like to follow me around pointing out errors and inconsistencies. Good on ya. Ive got other things to do.

Here's the deal. They were giving us the old heavy helmets at orientation classes. Today, it turns out, we all get issued the nice, bright yellow follow the bouncing rookie helmets. I like mine, I get to keep it. Im not griping.

Also the class structure has become slightly different than I was lead to believe. What has now happened is that the class is actually two..two...two classes in one. Turns out FF1 is being done away with under the MABAS system. So I am in the MABAS RECRUIT REGION 8 CLASS 2008, FF2. It sounds like MABAS will eventually be calling the classes something like basic and advanced. Also, while I am doing this, I have an extra class added each week, the first several of which I wont have to attend because they are NIMS courses that I presented certs for to my Chief. This extra class is department specific and when I pass it, will ensure me a place on the department as a FF/EMT. I know. It makes no sense to me either and is not how it was explained to me by the nice woman in the district office. but thats it.

So...when I finish some 16 weeks from now, I will have finished MABAS Module A as well as basic FF for my department. Then while running calls with the department, I will continue with MABAS Module B. This may be what they are now calling what used to be FF1 and FF2 with FF1 now eliminated and here is the math as is was explained to me: FF1 is gone. Whether that is only for our purposes or its a MABAS thing...don't know and don't care. What appears to have happened is that FF1 and FF2 got together and were so happy that they merged and produced MABAS Mod A (Basic Firefighter). Then so as not to let Mod A get lonely, there is Mod B, which is more advanced material. Whether or not this is actually how it works or not, couldn't tell ya. I'm an EMT becoming a firefighter. About 1/2 of the class today were stepping into FF class for the first time. The others were from departments all over MABAS Region 8 here to take MABAS FF2 or whatever the MABAS equivalent is. Its all delightfully confusing. ALL i know is that I have been issued a yellow rookie helmet and t-shirt which I am to wear to all classes. Because I will be staying with the department and not going back to another one or looking for a job, I will be measured for a new set of turn outs as we will start doing burns in about 3 weeks. I go where they tell me, stand where they tell me, and do what they tell me. Right now I don't know enough to ask questions, so I ain't gonna. I'm along for the ride, loving the culture of it all so far, am going to be helping out when it comes to teaching/signing off on medical skills....and then in about 13-16 weeks, i will be running calls after being issued my swipe card which gets me into the rig bay and my pager at a white glove graduation. This is what I know.

As Emerson said: So I contradict myself. Then what? I contain multitudes.
I've been wearing a water rescue helmet from our tech rescue/extrication rig when I sometimes end up in the car (or other tight space) doing patient care. Recently I have been looking into a euro helmet that is NFPA compliant. The model that I tried on was relatively light and compact. The face shield does not add to the size of the helmet when deployed or retracted.

Is it one of the ones where the face shield retracts into the body of the helmet?
85% EMS means 15% fire service. You will be required to have a NFPA approved helmet for structural firefighting. The academy will have different requirements based on your training and you may be able to get away with a used helmet. Personally speaking I wouldn't order any helmet with out an impact shell, or that predates the 2002 NFPA standard on helmets(there may be a 2007 standard now). My department has been issuing the Carins/MSA 1010 since it came out to replace the Carins 1000's. If you are doing EMS you may want to consider a Metro style helmet (or the eqivelent from another manufacturer) with the lower profile since you will be getting in and out of cars etc. If you want to pay out of pocket that is.That wouldn't be my choice. I would recommend that you wait and have one issued to you by your department. Stay safe.
Yes. The shield retracts. Nothing to snag or tangle.
What do I have to do to get you to follow me around pointing to stuff? Actually, if you were following me around, you would be pointing AT stuff..........and laughing.


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