a very frustrating thing about being a female firefighter in my experience is masking up/ wearing a helmet with longish hair. i have not found a way to wear it comfortably and out of the way. high bun in the helmet makes the helmet fit wierd, low bun below helmet limits movement of my head. any advice from the girls out there??!!!

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I knew you couldn't resist this one. I'm just surprised it took you so long.

Actually, I'm offended by this discussion. They didn't ask us how we wear our hair?

Then again, most people say "Of course that's his real hair, who would buy a wig that looks like that?"

How do I wear my hair? For the most part, at the bottom of the drain after I shower. LOL

Sorry Ladies - I promise not to interrupt your discussion any more. Keep up the good work!
its not from the pharmacy, i have t get a note or "prescription" from my doctor, give it to the guy in charge of issueing gear and he is going to order me paded bunker pants, since knee pads DO NOT stay on. and i don't need a yearly physical cause i come to every training i can make so they know i canw ork through the pain. we once had an vacant bar for training. we did the drill in which you crawl around til your tank is completely empty. well i was the one crawling around the longest until my mask stuck to my face and i didnt complain. had some pretty bruising afterwards but...whatever. the more battle scars the better!
i never said i dont do yearly physicals, cause that would be a lie. but about overhaul i personally always wear scba(and use it!) for that reason specifically.
Sure is!!! My little brother just loved to lite a match to the aroesol spray and try and spray me with the fire...My mother could never figure out where her hairspray went? LOL! I became the firefighter and he is still a brat! LOL!
You didn't say you were a volley? Cut it off?
Last minute comfort is pretty much out unless you go low ponytail...pin it flat no bun??? I was a volley for years and paid ff and had hair down below my bum and it was in a french braid pretty much all the time???

Chief 21~
I wear my hair in a high ponytail. When I have a call I just put it in a bun. It fits well under my mask and helmet. Doesn't cause me any discomfort.
We Love our long hair don't we??? Thank god we don't have to wear our high heels to a fire!!! LOL! Or hows about anything other than cotton underneath it all? This is a funny conversation...

Chief 21~ :o)
i had long hair for a real long time and got sick and tired of fighting with it under my gear so i just chopped it off, i keep it anywhere between my chin and shoulders. its too short to tie up or back, so when i gear up, i kinda just run my hand across the top of my head to push my hair back and put my helmet on and or pack up..
A basic but very high ponytail -gather all hair to top of head and secure with cloth covered elastic band ( No breakage type) The ponytail splits under your helmet and basically is out of the way. A bun on top of your head is just TOO much cushion and your helmet won't sit right.
Just cut it off.....:-) Makes life wonderful.....
I have had the same problem that you have had Sandy. My hair is now shoulder length and with the nomex hood is on and my mask it keeps my hair out of the way. A ponytail is probably your best bet and really what it all boils down to is you have to find what is comfortable for you. Good luck finding what may work. Stay safe.....

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