Hey guys, A long time ago, i remember my firehouse (before i even joined)
used to sound the sirens, at the house, to alert firefighters to fires, i believe, and they used to do it at noon too.. But they don't do it anymore. No fire company in the area does it anymore, only for some parades. Why is this? i mean, we have pagers to alert us but didn't the sirens serve another purpose too?
I miss them, that was such a rush! :P

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What she said.
Pro- good back-up system. I can't count the number of times I've forgotten to turn the volume back up on my pager after church/movie etc. It does also alert citizens that apparatus/povs are on their way.

Con- noisy and they do let the look-e-loos know there is a fire. When I was younger and a USAF FF, the local volunteers used a siren. It was very easy to follow the rigs.
We use pagers, text messages and the house siren from 7 am to 11 pm. The overnite use was discontinued due to nieghbor complaints. In fact it got so bad that another company was sued for niose pollution. People move here from the cities and than complain about what has been here for 50 plus years.
Our siren is on a timer. It only goes off from 8am. to 9pm. Even with pagers, if your mowing the lawn or running some other sort of loud vibrating piece of equipment, the siren will still alert you. Of coarse, I do afford the luxery of living across the street from the station!
we still have ours in service i think they should keep them active its tradtion most build into the fire service
my department has never used them. I'm am on the eureka fire department. they have had other ways to let the firefighter know there is a call. since the mid to late 50's or 60's we have always had payed guys at the stations. we use the pager and the motorola radios with the pager bulit into the radios. and we just started to use the texted messageing system. when a calls comes from the south couty dispatcher we get a fax plus the page out and also get e texted message from the dispatcher. it has worked really good so far no big probloms yet.
We still use the siren and we have pagers. The majority of us get the call texted to us on our cell phones. I know a town close to us does not us their sirens because the townspeople complain about it.
we carry pagers, and now they are talking about digital pagers...?

we have the siren, we dont use it anymore... people complained about it being too loud, go figure...
We dont sound the Sirens anymore either. Only for Tsunami alerts or major disasters. Of course they sound it at noon every day. We were down earlier this year for three months due to the siren failing. People were so upset that there was no noon siren. :)
See in my department we have the pagers and the radios. We had a Siren that Sounded Once for County Fire, Twice for City Fire, and Three times for a Rescue Call. And at 8:00pm it sounded along with our pagers. If there is a Tornado it sound for three to five minutes.
Where I used to work, didn't have sirens. It is a combination department with mostly paid stations, 29 all together. Our dispatch would tone the stations out and it would go out on a Motorola Minitor pager in the station. It would make a long single tone or several beeps over the speakers inside. Also the call would come across our alpha pagers that we would have for each ALS unit.

The majority of complaints come from the country club residents just outside of town. We are looking to stop using the siren for medical asst calls

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