I was just wondering how many states besides Indiana have advanced EMT's. As a Advanced EMT u can start IV's run fluids and cardiac monatering..... i was just wondering...

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We only have paramedics and MIC paramedics. Everyone else is a 1st Aider.
we have EMT's, Advanced EMT's, EMT-Intermediate, and Paramedics
That is what a medic is is an advanced emt.
no other than what u do as a basic u can start IV's and cardiac monitering, run fluids and a few other little perks . as a paramedic u can intubate, push Drugs. a advanced cant push drugs or any of that. paramedics can do a little more.
Oregon has something similar called EMT Intermediate.
Our Ambulance Service we have EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate, and EMT-Paramedic...
Arkansas goes not recognize emt-intermediate, therefore around here emt-paramedic is the advanced level, sorry for the confusion.
Ohio only has the Basics, Intermeadiates, and Paramedics
Tennessee calls it EMT/IV, we do test on NR for Lic, but TN adds their own little twists like IV cert. and advanced cardiac care...........I often wonder why we dont just use NREMT-I..............We can push meds with med direction.
In Illinois EMT B, I, P as basics you can give limited meds and use a combi tube, as intermediates you can do everything except give narcs and crics and some other minor stuff.
The Basics here in Ordway Colorado are in charge of Vitals and etc. Intermediates are in charge of running IV's and some meds. Paramedics are in charge of Running Meds, Baseline Vitals, and use of the combi tubes. basically each rank of the Ambulance has a certain role to play in order to administer Medical Care properly to the patient.
Ours is simpler, an ambulance comes, it has two paramedics. Or two MIC paramedics if it's a MICA unit.

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