I was reading and commented on a post about a person who carried all kinds of crap on his helmet and it got me thinking .... What tools do people carry in their bunker or turnout coat pockets ?

I carry in my right bunker pant pocket .. a utility knife, 2 wooden wedges, 4 small plastic wedges (great for plugging sprinkler heads) a pair of klein cable cutters, my right glove

In my left pocket I carry a 6' piece and a 15' of webbing, 2 more wooden wedges, my left glove

My right pocket a pair of pliers, straight screw driver, shove knife, seat belt cutter

My left pocket a phillips screw driver, pair of trauma shears.

I also carry a flashlight with shoulder strap and a straight edge dive knife wire tied to the shoulder strap that rests in the middle of my chest.

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my left coat pocket is a folding knife a 6 way screwdriver and a cutter my left pocket is my nomax my left pants pocket is my life line i wear a strap for my gloves on my coat wedges on my helmet and a flashlight
Webbing, Flashlight, Wooden wedges, Window punch, seatbelt cutter, and knife. Safety glasses. Multi-tool.
My gear includes

Gear Bag
bandageing materials
bandange scissors
multi head screwdriver
BP cuff
clipboard with various paperwork items
2 d cell maglight
CPR mask
15 pairs gloves
extracation gloves
head lamp
window punch/ seatbelt cutter combo
DOT ERG book
BLS, ALS, Homeland Security, firefighting, Field guide
Spanish for EMS guide
Kwick point disaster translator
wilderness survival guide
Patient info forms

Duty Belt

CPR Holster
10 pairs of gloves
multi tool
combat folding knife
radio holster
pt info forms
radio signal card
instrument pack with shears 2 penlights seatbelt cutter window punch twezzers forceps bandage scissors
mini mag light
4 d cell mag light
key ring
hand sanitizer
band aid despenser
paws wipes
2 pens
traffic vest

and more to come
Coat pocket r: rubber hose rollin gloves, coat pocket l: flashlight, left suspender- knife, r pants pocket: side angle cutters, 10' 3/8 rope, couple of wood wedges, one angle iron door chock, l pocket: 10' of 2" webbing, extrication gloves. I also carry a streamlight flashlight on a 'beaner and light on my helmet.
In my bunker pants I keep a window punch spanner wrench, wood wedges, a pair of pliers and a straight screw driver, phillip screw drivers, wire cutting, crescent wrench and a small bag of med glove. In jacket pockets I have my gloves, hood and a flashlight.
Firefighter casteel
i dont like being weighted down so here we go... right coat pocket is my pen light,medical gloves and saftey glasses for extrication.pelican flashlight on mic holder radio pocket radio,left coat pocket seat belt cutter.l pant pocket left glove can of grizzly long cut wintergreen wire cutters,right pocket is for my right glove and door wedges. nomex stays in my helmet.
Thought I replied to this one already but guess not...

Helmet- Pelican flashlight, one wedge
Coat- streamlight flashlight, gloves are strapped on
(right pocket) extrication gloves, FF knive
(left pocket) two more wood wedges, two small plastic wedges
(inside pocket) safety glasses
Pants- 40' rope bag with carabiner
(right pocket) Channelock's Rescue Tool, seatbelt cutter
(left pocket) Nomex hood, life hammer
Pants - heavier rescue gloves and 25 feet rope with caribeaner on one side, structure gloves on the other.
Coat - rescue knife, spanner wrench, glass tool, seat belt cutter, shove knife, latex gloves, light rescue gloves
On Coat - flashlight, PAR tags.
go to vententersearch.com under what's in your pockets? They show you how to convert the ends of your channel locks to through the lock tools
I love this discussion. It drives my chief nuts that my pockets are like tool boxes... There is an awesome resource website vententersearch.com that runs a segment called tips from the bucket. In this area they do a whats in your pocket piece that has lots of great tips.

Left Bunker Pocket:
I have an old section of 2/12 that serves as my tool kit. In it is a multi tip screw driver, wire cutters, simple pliers and a utility knife. I have two 20' webbing braids and one 6' roll of webbing. several bungee cords.(they work for everything!) spare can of chew, a handful of zip ties.

Right Bunker Pocket:
Spare pare of turnout gloves, tnt rescue wrench and a spare three c hand light.

Left Coat Pocket: GERBER MULTI TOOL (don't leave home with out it.) 5 or 6 med gloves, 2 hinge blocks, 3 wooden blocks, 2 cherry bomb hinge blocks, EMT Shears, swiss army style allen wrench/ screw driver fold up tool and a rubber door lock that fits over the handles and blocks the striker.

Right Coat Pocket:

Spare Nomex Hood, Gerber Para frame folding knife, 2 caribeaner's, 3 wooden wedges and a few plastic ones, utility knife

Left Radio Pocket:

Radio and laminated copy of landing zone procedures

Right Radio Pocket:

My key ring, (captain, so I have a knox box, elevator and other keys) laminated picture of Britney Spears and Madonna kissing,

Inside my helmet Liner:

Safety Glasses, Stocking Cap and additonal spare DRY nomex hood.

Under my band on my helmet:

a dozen or so cement nails, a half dozen or so 16 penny nails, a door wedge and one melted but strangely lucky poker chip.

also on my helmet is the black jack light clip holding my hands free led light.
In my pants i carry a side cutting pliers, a bunch of wedges(wooden and plastic), straight screwdriver, extrication gloves, spare hood, collapseable spanner wrench with a seatbelt cutter and window punch, about a 15' piece of 1" webbing and a 6' piece of webbing.
I don't carry all that much. I do carry folding hydrant wrenches and a new testament in my hear. the rest of the gear is on the truck that I usuallly pump.

roy B

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