I was just wondering how many of the smaller depts issue everyone their own mask. We have tried for years to get the dept to issue everyone their own mask so everyone was gauranteed to have the propper size, if you don't clean it real well after the call it is your face going back into it and the like. We keep getting shot down because the Chief says he is not going to order someone a mask and not have them show up or quit 3 months later. He is also worried about our high turnover rate of rookies and we explained to him to have spares for each pack so if one does go down or something that person has one to use and the rookies can use those until they have been around for a period of time to be determined then order them their own. He still won't do it so I am wondering how other smaller dept's do it. We currently have around 85 people on the dept and some of them I am not real keen on sticking my face into somewhere theirs has been and not knowing how well it was cleaned but on the flip side I can't exactly afford to go get my own like a few others have.

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Wow you think that your department is small at 85 people??? Sorry that just seems like a pretty big department. Our department has around 15 members. We each get issued our own mask once we have passed an in-house SCBA training. Now the rookies get the older masks that have straps that are stretched and the lens is scratched up. Each individual is also assigned their own SCBA. It is each person's responsibility to keep their bottles full and their mask clean and put up in the mask bags. The department has slowly been buying the masks to where eventually we all will have the two-way communications unit on them. Right now there are only four comm units and two or three voice emitters and the rest are just regular masks. The newest masks get assigned to the senior guys and then they get passed down the line. I was on a department before that didn't assign masks and it was as you said. Well I hope that you can find some way to get your own mask soon.

I would't think 85 people is a small dept. Our dept. has about the same, and every person has there own mask.
Some on us have more than 1 set of gear at diff stations and each set of gear has a mask, we also have 1 extra mask on each rig as a spear.
ok, we are a medium dept.
The first dept I was on had masks with each air pack and after the fire part of putting the trucks back in service was making sure all the masks were cleaned and inspected for damage, so we knew that the masks were clean. My current dept issues masks to all FFs and we keep a couple of spares on the engine. The new people are issued the masks that have been turned back in, after they have been cleaned and inspected. Once the mask is issued it is the FF's responsibility to keep it clean and ready for use. Mask bags are also issued, and as a LT it is my responsibility to inspect the masks.
We issue each person a mask that is fit tested for them. They are responsible to clean it and take care of it. Everyone deals with turn-over. Other then that Bro, if this is what the Chief says then talk with him. Thats why he/she is the Chief.
my old smaller dept which was all of 30 members were issued their own masks ..I understand what the chief s saying about spending the budget on those items and person leaves or is a no show...however he needs to understand when they leave or are no shows the mask stays and gets cleaned and put back in service to next person..it sounds more like the chief is ear marking budget monies for things HE rather see put in service than what you all want /need..why not at next meeting take a vote and reason the lodgic( i know tough to do with some chiefs)..and see if buying 2 every 3-6 months is more doable..as always last resorts are mayor and council..and the ever elusive annonymous call to the proper agencies...
The problem is if something happens to one of the firefighters while they are using the Mask and they have not been fit tested and given a mask for there use only then your Chief is going to be getting into some trouble. He does not have a valid reason for him to not give out the proper masks for people. You guys don't go to the station and just grab some turn out gear and hope it fits do you? Then why do you have to hope your mask fits properly when you go to a fire? Everybody should have there own mask!
We have at last count 41 members and some of those are just EMS people...all interior Firefighters have their own masks issued and it is their responsibility to keep it up and keep it clean....If someone resigns or leaves it gets a good cleaning and gets put back into service when someone else needs one...We are very anal about cleaning our gear....Turn-outs get cleaned (Washed) after every fire...SCBA units get washed and filled after every call...Masks get washed in a mild disinfectant after every fire as well...also we have annual fit testing ever September along with physicals....you don't get it done....you don't go inside...NO exceptions....Stay safe all...Keep the Faith....Paul
The individual mask is a great idea if the department can afford it. Some volunteer departments around here still can't afford up to date bunker gear much less a mask. A lot of departments have little to no income to operate from so they must do whatever is necessary to obtain the equipment they need even if they have to go out and beg for it. Most have applied to the AFG but have been unsuccessful at obtaining the grant money. I recently made sure my 4 part time FF's have their own mask and it really has made a difference on the fire scene. Makes them feel more secure knowing no body has vomited in their mask before. lol With the little critters running around today personal safety is a top priority.
My personal opinion is if your dept can' t or won't get the new mask, buy one yourself because it's your life at stake.
We issue a mask to every interior firefighter. We also carry a spare mask for every scba on each rig. Turnover is something every volunteer fire company deals with for personel health reasons evryone should have thie own mask, isn't there something in nfpa 1500 about that?
This is one of those double edge swords. While it is great to have your own mask cleaning and taking caree of it is another. We all know that when you return from a call all mask and packs should be cleaned and inspected for any wear and damage. While the equipment is made of the best material sometimes the person using it is not as careful as they should be. But the one thing that nobody has mentioned about having your own mask is the required yearly fit test. If i remember right this is required by OSHA or it is in the NFPA reg that covers SCBA's.
If you were in a paid department I'd say just file a grievance but ince you are in a vollie company, tell the chief that this is a Health and Safety issue, and stop being a cheap bastard. Issuing a mask after a probationary period would be a good compromise.

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