I'm going to go to class to get my EMT certification soon. Is there anything I should buy before joining the first aid squad?

Keep in mind, I'm not looking to outfit a utility belt. I don't need a radio holster and 18 different pairs of shears. Just looking for the basic: "hey, you should probably have this."

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Pens Pens Pens!!!!! One in every pocket. It sucks not having a pen.
I have been an EMT for a while and I have learned that the more you carry, the more you will lose. You can't keep track of a ton of equipment on your person and keep up with what the patient my need. I carry a small surefire flashlight, a Benchmade rescue knife and a pen. Everything else you will need should be on your apparatus. Good luck with the class and have fun with it!
Very true. where i work we are required to start the day with 3 pens mandatory. not having a pen in EMS is like not having turnouts at a fire department.
At the point you are at I wouldn't buy anything. When you learn to take vitals you can buy a (cheap) BP cuff and scope to practice with at home. The cheap ones are good for you to use because you will have to listen harder to get the pressure right. When you are licensed responding as a volunteer you might get a couple rolls of kerlix or kling some 4x4s tape a pocket mask and gloves to keep in your car, but try to respond with your unit whenever possible. It is their responsibility to furnish your supplies. I have an abd pad some sterile 4x4s a roll of kling,tape some gloves and a few bandaids ,all of which fit in one zip lock sandwich bag. I keep it in the glove box and it has met the few roadside needs I have had, and nobody thinks I'm a whacker for having that in my car. While working I carry a cheap pair of shears in my pants pocket,a small cheap led light in my shirt pocket, and my good Littman stethescope in my duffle bag in the cab of the ambulance. I bought the expensive scope only after the years of sirens and loud scenes destroyed most of my hearing. The ambulance service provides all the equipment I routinely need.
Adam glad you want to be a part of the ems family . I've been an emt for 20 years the best advise i can give is less is more. If you want to make any purchase get yourself a good qaulity stethoscope. However take the advise from Barry keep your scope out of sight. In my opinion it it not only looks tacky but it plays the same role as a pin on badge it's a handle for some jerk that wants to fight. Good luck to you in your future .
Thank you to all of you who have responded to me. Seeing as I will probably never be responding in my own car (we have duty nights at my ambulance squad, so on sunday nights, I'll be at the ambulance squad building anyway.) Right now I think I'll just stick with carrying some pens unless I see the need to buy anything else.

Again, thank you all so much. I truly appreciate it.
hey ,
im glad ur going to take a emt class. If u have already got one u should get a pen light they come in handy . i wish u all the luck in ur class and the hope u have a great 2009. the best of luck
Like I have seen echoed here, I am a paramedic, and started as we all did with EMT school. Get yourself a good stethescope. I bought myself a littman master cardiology years ago, and it was the best investment I ever made. You need to be able to hear in noisey environments. Other than that I carry a pair of leather gloves in my back pocket, and my own shears stuffed in my belt. No need to be batman.
NO...Please don't become one of those resource lockers....all you need is your head screwed on tight and a pen that will write...everything else will be available for you....Study hard...if you score an 85 % on the exam you will have done well and pass....BUT...By getting an 85 that means that 85 % of the time you will do the right thing....think about it......Stay safe and always remember to Keep the Faith....Paul
I would have to completely disagree with that......... people take book work differently i no a man that really really had trouble getting his EMT certification. he struggled with class but you could ask him any thing and he knew the awncer. when it came down to actually doing it he passed with flying colors. so try your hardest and if it gets tough dont asume that u are a bad EMT or you will only do the right thing 85% of the time.
Been an EMT for 14 years now. Honestly, make sure its something you want to be involved in before you go shopping. Don't waste money you don't need to. Other than that, all i can say is all my rigs have always had what I need. The only thing I've ever paid for is my own stethoscope, for two reasons. One, some people never clean their ears out, and two, my rigs always have the $12 dollar specials that I don't like. Try out whats provided. Most people don't mind using the stuff thats provided, it works just fine to do the job its built for. The stethoscope is just my little issue, since my hearing is a little degraded from being a medic with an infantry unit for 6 years. Its all personal preference. Some people like their own gear, others don't like spending the money. Learn your craft, and figure out the tools you like.
Okay, I know you're trying to make a point. but your spelling totally destroys the effort. I hope your patient care reports don't look like this.

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