Okay, how about the practical jokes that we've pulled off, only to find they start a war of practical jokes between shifts, between stations, or even inside a single company...

One of the ongoing ones around here is to visit a neighboring station when that company is out and setting every alarm clock in the bunk room to go off at some unholy hour of the night. My personal favorite was back when I was at station 2. We paid a visit to station 1 and set the clocks (11 of them) to go off every 20 minutes starting at about 1:30 in the morning. We figured they would probably figure it out after the second one, so the final one was placed inside the dropped ceiling. Sure enough, I heard they had to search for nearly 30 minutes before they found the thing!

How about some of yours?

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some of the guys have gotten into the habit of leaving clothing around the day room. after several requests that this not be done we found a pretty effective cure. when we found someones shorts, shirt, and shoes and socks we gave them all a quick rinse and put them in the deep freezer.
There was a Probie on our department that thought he knew everything but knew nothing. Well, we filled his boots with hay and we went a couple days without having any calls. One day when we did, he came running in and pulled his boots on real fast and found te hay. So while he was getting the hay out we all hurried up nd got in the trucks and responded. He ended up showing up about 20 mins later in his P.O.V.
There has got to be better ones than that out there. Mine have been fairly inocent. Spicing up the chili with a LOT of powder when another station is out. Greasing up all the handles, Removing ALL the paper products from ALL the bathrooms. Putting up road kill Skunk into the ventilation system (not my personal one but thought I would share it). My favorite one I did was go to another station, take the channel changer lockout all the channels EXCEPT the OXYGEN channel, lockout the password, then put the remote in a plastic bag and then putting it a pot ofwater in the freezer. I am running out of ideas and would like more...I could go on with ones the guys have pulled off, but like I said I would like to hear from the rest of you.
best one i think we have is a guy going through paramedic school got his hands on an iv bag of saline solution. he ran the line up the frame of of a bunk and across the bottom of the top bunk, then put the bag under his mattress. the guy we did this to, by the way, claimed that we would "NEVER get him."
when he went to lay down, we all held our breath, but i guess we set it high enough that it didn't go off. as soon as he layed down though....SPALSH! half the bag empties all over him. we were in hysterics!
set up an iv bag in my bunk and ran it through the drop ceiling to next bunk,go figure D5W gets sticky when it dries
Give this a try. Before you turn in for the night before shift change , hard boil all of the eggs for the next shift, but make sure they are in the fridge long enough to get cold again.
One time one of the shifts decided to pull a good one on another shift. They took a PASS device and placed it above the false ceiling in the bunk room. They then connected wires to the battery hook ups and ran them above the ceiling across the hall to a store room. Late that night they snuck into the store room, leaving all the lights off and touched the other ends of the wires to the 9 volt battery and waited for the chaos.....It took them forever to figure out what was going on.
Try this one sometime. If someone is giving you alot of grief around the station wait till they go to the crapper. Wait a few minutes and arm a PASS device and roll it in there like a had grenade and then leave. If the room echoes alot it will really drive them nuts. Funny thing is they can't do anything about it and won't know who did it either.
Go out to every ones POVs and take the big industrial zip ties and put them on there drive shafts, you have to stagger the ends and leave them on (do not cut them) when they start there vehicles they will rattle and shutter a bit until they find then and cut them off....
Go out to every ones POVs and take the big industrial zip ties and put them on there drive shafts, you have to stagger the ends and leave them on (do not cut them) when they start there vehicles they will rattle and shutter a bit until they find then and cut them off....


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