After reading the latest on ESPN that A-Rod admitted to "performance enhancement drugs" (to us laymen's Steroids and or Human Growth Hormones) (plus Bonds, Clemens, Pettite and a variety of other star names) I am deeply troubled. I look at the youth of today who look up to these athletes and see them interpreting the information the wrong way.

Kids see celebrity Athletes making a TON of money playing a game and then the coorelation of HGH and Steroid use making them who they are.

The kids see The HGH and Steroids as the SOLUTION rather than being a problem. This causes a large problem because now we have youths who are more likely to try these dangerous drugs to enhance their opportunities in sports.

Charles Barkley once had a phenominal quote. When asked what he thought about being the role model for so many kids, he replied "I'm not a role model. Parents are role models." I wish kids could see this. We as parents can only lead by example and try to teach our kids the right paths to take. I feel it should be up to some of these athletes who abused steroids and HGH (which in this country is ILLEGAL) to not only sponsor a program of education for children but to help FUND it as well. Their obligation should be to the children whose lives they infleunce and not just to "their performance."

I know this isn't fire related but these issues annoy me. My son (although a DIEHARD Red Sox fan) is 7 years old and he likes A-Rod for his ability to hit the ball and play good defense. (he gets that from me) It's sad when he asks me as a parent to describe what steroids are and what is so bad about them. I'm looking for opinion on the matter and not to get into a "team rivalry" discussion. All teams in baseball had contributors to the Steroid/HGH issues and in a matter of time we will know about them all.

I don't want this topic to get malicious so please keep it to serious commentary only.

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So, if A-Rod was taking performance enhancing drugs, then wouldn't he be getting paid under false pretenses?
Wouldn't there be some kind of fraud involved?
I mean; if Dale Jr. is caught with rocket fuel in the 88 car, he would be stripped of the win and everyone would be fined and placed on probation.
Cheating is cheating.
As a side bar, his test was done in 2003. He, along with 103 other baseball players tested positive.
What's wrong with that picture?
I never have nor would I use these drugs, but they have been around for a long long time. We are only now hearing about it.

I wonder what we would find out if the fire service tested for them.
What I think they should do is if an athlete is caught doing any thing illeagl they should be punished harder than we do, take Lawrence Taylor of the Giants, he was caught doing drugs, went to rehab, and wrote a book about how bad drugs are, got to play in the NFL again, then went right back and did it again. Now whats that telling a young kid watching football? "Hey I can get famous do drugs and get away with it". As far as I am concerned Pro athletes should have a zero tolerance on drugs.
I wonder Too
To me Barry Bonds doesn't exist in baseball. (today tomorrow or yesterday) They can take the * and shove it. BY NO MEANS should ANY of the PROVEN steroid guys make the Hall of Fame.
Two words:
Chris Benoit.
I understand that this is your opinion, I just don't agree with it. I am a fan of baseball. Although I show allegiance to one team and have my entire life I'm one of the few that can flip through the channels on my teams off day to find another team playing. I enjoy the sport.

I do not agree with your theory on pumping them all full of steroids and HGH. What purpose would that serve other than to damage further a game thats forever going to have a "steroid era?" In professional sports, it is the people with natural talent and ability who should get paid the big bucks, not someone who achieved greatness by cheating.
I liked A-Rods answer to should you be inducted into the hall of fame for using steroids, and he replies I hope so, but when the Bonds thing started up years ago, A-Rod said "I don't think (Bond's) his records should count or should he be inducted into the hall of fame. I dont believe all of A-Rod's statements like he only used them for 3 years, they were working for him thats for sure so why would he quit. Plus he's only telling use what he wants use to here, not all the truth. As far as him bashing the S.I. reporter, I feel she knows a lot of the truth to A-Rod's past history and he does not want that to be revieled. So all I can say is that I used to like A-Rod but now I think he's no more than the rest of them a cheater and a lier. I hope he NEVER gets elected to the hall of fame. I will give him credit for admitting to using them, that takes a true man and that will save him from the court system but he needs to be punished for it in the long run.
Does anyone remember the picture in the Sports Illustrated some years ago?
SI had a picture of a 17 year old lying in his casket?
He was a high school football player from Texas who died from taking steroids.
And just for kicks; do what I did. I "googled" death from steriod use and got an eye opener.
There is no need to wonder. I think it would be a little foolish to say that no firefighters use HGH or steroids. Nothing surprises me anymore.

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