Drum Major John Coleman of the Cleveland Firefighters Memorial Pipes and Drums band has quit the group following his initial suspension from the band for six months after a nod and wave at President Barack Obama during last week's inaugural parade.

Coleman's resignation from the band, first reported by the Plain Dealer earlier today, comes after becoming the center of a nationwide firestorm on whether the initial suspension was appropriate -- or over the top.

"There are too many bridges burned with the pipe band, too many hurt feelings on both sides," Coleman told the Plain Dealer, fire inspector for Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Here's a story from CNN.com about the original suspension, including an interview with the man at the center of it all (well, not Obama but...)

What are your thoughts on this? Should he have been suspended for breaking 'military parade protocol'? Should he have quit (granted, the press was substantial -- but the outcry was mostly over him being suspended)? What would you have done if marching by the newly minted President?

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Well, they have rules. He's the band MAJOR....one of the leaders, imagine if everyone just did what they wanted...wouldn't be military marching now whould it. Maybe 6 months is a long time for a suspension...but really.....who cares?
Well if you look at it that way yes. But its the President.....Dont know if I would be able to ignore him if I passed him by...Its normal to want to acknowledge him.
What a joke. No comment needed!
There is much more to the story that will never come out. This is not a one time incident. This whole thing is getting way too much publicity anyhow. He quit, it's over.
I was in the military, I marched in parades. There is an appropiate military repsonse to the president, its not a nod or a wave. I don't know what military protocol is being followed, but there should be some response to the commnder in chief. Does the band have a response more appropiate?
The video shows a respectful, appropriate acknowledgment of the newly inaugurated President and his family. The man who suspended Mr. Coleman after 17 years of committed leadership with the band and dedication to the fire service should be summarily disciplined, even terminated. Clearly he does not understand or refuses to accept that America has a new day and a new way of relating. If he cannot stand that heat, he should get out of the fire and stop managing the band. Bravo! Mr. Coleman, you acted with dignity, respect, and professionalism in recognizing the President, an action I fully expect you would have accorded Mr. McCain had he been the President in the viewing box. Bravo, I salute you Mr. Coleman.
Doug Huneke, Fire Service Chaplain and trauma specialist
I think that you have to have a military look on this. Also i think that the 6 months should be shortend and made that he was on probation. It would mean that he would have to work his way back into the band. When they thought he was ready he could come back.

Wilmington Jr.FF
If you know more specific, factual information than share it, don't just sit back alleging other violations -- name them, specifically and truthfully. It would help us all understand and might even go a ways in clearing the air. Just because Mr. Coleman quit does not mean it is over. The band leader's action against Mr. Coleman is an affront to the dignity of the fire service and the respect with which President Obama holds the service and its personnel. Thank you!
Man; that is SO weak.
Obama pointed at him and then waved.
It would have been rude for Coleman NOT to acknowledge the President.
I think there is more to the story than they are telling.
He must have peed in somebody's cereal.
What; are they up for election this year?
Total crap.
Rule my arse. He was dignified. He has nothing to apologize for and certainly this doesn't rise to the punishment he received.
I don't blame him for leaving the "corps".
Good riddance.
The entire band had been told numerous times that this way to be a military parade and that military decoru was to be followed. He has been with the band as the drum major for 17 years. He has done things like this in the past. Yes, the drum major may at times be the court jester at the front of the pack. He had been spoken to numerous times for being way too far out front of the band. I have been to numerous events where they have performed and have been part of events as well with our Honor Guard. I know many of the band members and have great respect for them. This is a completely volunteer group. They have specific rules and the rules were broken. Whether or not the 6 month suspension was warranted or not, that is not my call. I am sure it had to do with the fact that they have a major fundraiser coming up and the St. Patty's Day parade. Those are both major events for the pipe bands. He has decided that too many bridges were burned over this, and he left the band. The band has had to remove phone numbers from their website and disconnect their phones due to the calls that they were receiving. This should not have, or be getting the National press that it is.
this is crazy,,its a fire related band ,,nothing to do with the military,,obama waved to him,,and he winked and waved back,,good for him. least he didnt give him the finger. the leader should be kicked off the squad.
just my 2 cents
So this band wants to emulate the military huh? Do they have any idea that the President of the United States is the Commander and Chief of the U.S. Military? Last time I checked, if the President acknowledges you, you better damn well acknowledge him back. As far as bagpipes go, I played the snare drum in a bagpipe band when I was a kid. The Drum Major is the man, he leads the band, he keeps the band in step, and calls the tunes to be played. This man has been there fo 17 years? sounds like the rest of the band better give him the respect a Drum Major deserves. Bravo Sir, job well done. Oorah and Semper Fidelis!!!

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