one of my departments are getting ready to order new gear for all of us and i was wanting others opinions on these two...

MSA vs Scott airpacks


Morning Pride vs Globe gear

any experiences with the equipment or manufactures would be helpful.


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As far as airpack go on my volunteer dept we use scott's and my paid dept uses MSA. I like both, one thing that i do like more about our MSA's rather than the scott's is that it seems easier with gloves on to insert the regulater on our MSA's because you don't have to twist then. as far as gear goes both seem good but have not had much use with either of them. although i have worn globe before and i realy like thier gear unfortunately niether of my dept's uses it.
We have used Scott for awhile. Last year we took bids to replace our old Scotts 2.2 for 4.5s. We looked at alot of different companys. Scotts is the one we when with. As far as gear it is a personal choose there is no real differents. We have used everything from Fire-Dex to Morning Pride. We stick with Morning Pride the padding on the knees and the wayit fits it just works for us.
Scott and Morning Pride
Love Morning Pride. I did the factory tour a while back during a seminar with Towers and I was amazed by the process and the science behind the gear. There are things they do that you can't see that make the gear last longer and feel better. As far as air packs go, Scott's behind MSA technologically. Just stay away from Surprise Air.
Our department evaluated several SCBA's before replacing all of them. Survivair, Drager and ISI for various reasons were cut quickly leaving the Scott AP50 and NXG2 and the MSA. While the MSA was comfortable and a little more compact, the wireless HUD had issues. NXG2, while cool was a nightmare. We finally chose the AP50 Scott for its simplicity, the proven reliability and the ease of repair if necessary.

We followed a similar approach with turnout gear. The Globe is good stuff, but the Morning Pride mobility is second to none.

Take a look at They are doing product review in the new Globe boots. One new pair started coming apart during RIT training. There is some good information there.

Remember to buy for your departments needs. Don't buy something just bease your neighbor did.

Stay safe...
My dept has used scott when my dad was 18 his in his late 50'sin PA i used msa in SC for 4yers so i wounld go wit scott. As far as gear go ilike pbi gold
MSA wins the popular vote by our county and most on airpacks. And personally if your department wants to spend that kind of money go for the Globe G-Xtreme gear because it is so versatile and lightweight.
as far as air packs go our department goes with Scott Air Packs due to the fact that at all times no matter what happens you will always have air. Scott is the best air pack on the market, the only problem that i know that they have had with them and firefighters died was back in the 70's in Lubbock Texas. Since that incident Scott has redone the entire pack and now it is the safest air pack on the market. MSA's biggest problem is the PASS alarm, if you fall face first you muffle the PASS alarm and no one can hear it with Scott the speaker for the PASS alarm is in the frame of the air pack so you can never cover it and it will always be heard. So my advice is go with the SCOTT air packs ummm we use the SCOTT 4.5 which is a 4500 psi bottle that is about 30 mins of air and they are fairly light in weight.
I agree . The station here has Scott. MSA is good to
Witout a doubt, Total Fire Group- Morning Pride is the best company I have ever worked with. Their product is by far the most innovative and comfortable set of gear I have ever owned. Our county just signed with them for new gear, having been in Globe for quite a few years. I have helped two small Departments go to Morning Pride, and they have subsequently expanded to their entire counties and neighboring jurisdictions, as well. If you look Nationwide, you will find Morning Pride in a great many places, including the military, and with over 300 patents for their designs, they are working hard to make our jos as comfortable as possible.

One of the major differences between Globe and MP is the Tails coat with conventional waistline pants, which allows more heat and moisture to breathe away from the core, rather than being trapped against the skin with the Bib style pants of globe. The result is that it is far easier to cool down if you get too hot, and it is less likely that you will get too hot, because the gear is helping to wick moisture and heat away from the skin.

As for SCBA, I think MSA is currently a bit better than Scott, for a number of reasons, some of which are completely subjective. Primarily, they seem to me to be easier to use and service, and the masks seem to fit my face more comfortably. I have worked with both MSA and Scott, as you can tell, and MSA in my experience is far easier to don and get air flowing.
ok Air-Paks go with Scott i've been firefighter for 25 yrs been with Scott sales and service for 9 yrs dont get me wrong MSA does have a good SCBA but not for the fire service Gear both are good my company been wearing morning pride for yrs with no problems must of the Fire Departments by me wear morning pride my company sells Globe and the Xtreme is holding its own out there in the fire service.
hey im zac im with the fort johnson fire co um we have msa and they are the best i love it um ive used scotts 2 ither way they are both good packs and we use g xtreme gear the best out there i love it but then again fdny uses morning pride um but the globe is the best in my opinion it fits u better

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