• Female
  • Dallas, TX
  • United States
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  • Gary Lee E.
  • Gregory T. Taylor
  • Sam Dominguez
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  • Heath Hudson
  • Chris Osborne
  • Robert Head
  • John Smallwood
  • Ghaith al adham
  • Adam
  • Brendon Hyland
  • chase
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  • Kip Rose
  • Paul Young

CJ's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Since November 2004
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
Hey! My name's CJ. I was recently hired as a full time FF/Paramedic for a some-what rural department. I'm so excited for this opportunity! It still suprises me that they pay me to do something that I already love so much. I'm on a short break from my schooling until I can gather enough holiday/sick/vacation hours to take off for class. Once I'm back in, I think I'll be changing my major back to Health Promotions with a minor in Secondary Education. Teaching is definitely something I could see myself getting into at some point. Hopefully, with a little more experience under my belt I'll be able to staart teaching EMT classes. I also do part time work for another local fire department that has really helped advance me in this line of work. They taught me a lot of what I know and helped get me through paramedic school and fire academy. I owe a lot to them. They have proven to be true brothers to me and I love them like family.

If there's anything else you want to know, hit me up!
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I decided to join the local department's explorer program my sophomore year of high school with my best friend. I fell in love. There are so many aspects of the emergency field that appeal to me with what I want to do with my life. Getting to help people. Feeling the rush of adrenaline when tones drop. Having to think on your feet. This is definitely a life's passion for me!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
All of it. There is no one thing.

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CJ's Blog

Passed the Paramedic National Registry Written Test!!!

Posted on April 14, 2008 at 2:39pm 6 Comments

I passed the the National Registry! I still lack the skills part but, hopefully, I will get that knocked out sometime during these next upcoming weeks. Thanks to everyone that wished me luck!

For all those in the Texas region getting ready to take the registry or needing a refresher course, Jon Puryear has an EXCELLENT course. You can sign up for a 2-day classroom course or order the course online. He sends a CD/DVD that has audio lectures and also sends a packet of paper notes and… Continue

Five Surprising Salaries

Posted on April 12, 2008 at 7:07pm 1 Comment

This was one of the featured articles today on MSN.com.

"Five Surprising Salaries

By Anthony Balderrama, CareerBuilder.com writer

Much has been made of people who live beyond their means. When you see a neighbor bring home a fancy new car, you can't help but wonder how she can afford it on her salary. However, you can't assume you know how much she (or anybody) makes unless you've seen her tax returns.

Plenty of people earn surprising paychecks… Continue

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At 12:14am on July 17, 2013, Matt Jackson said…

I'm traveling to Dallas soon and I was hoping to get some hot spots for eating during my visit.  I was wondering if you could give me five or so and recommend things to eat. 

At 5:05pm on June 25, 2013, Tom Hetherington said…

God bless America and Texas, Love your photos. All the very best from down under.

At 6:35am on July 11, 2011, Andrew said…
Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches. Andrew. tkachenko_van@optima.com.ua
At 10:45am on July 3, 2009, Scott Tretter said…
Hey Fireforever, wanted to say hi and stay safe today.
At 11:19pm on March 17, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
HI, My name is Gabe Alvarez and I work for Daisy Mountain Fire Department, just on the outskirts of Phoenix. We are starting up a patch collection at our station. I would like to trade patches if your interested. Thank you.
At 3:47pm on February 23, 2009, Robert said…
Extraordinary Career. Extraordinary People.

We are offering opportunities for full pay and benefits WHILE WE TRAIN YOU to become a professional Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician! These entry level positions require no previous experience. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school. A GED is acceptable.

Our 450 career men and women Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians are dedicated to protecting lives. Few careers can offer such a challenging and meaningful mission in an atmosphere of teamwork and camaraderie. Prince William County, VA, pop. 380,000, is a large and diverse community located 35 miles southwest of Washington, D. C. We are a growing organization with tremendous learning and promotional opportunities.

If selected, we provide a competitive minimum salary of $44,086 and exceptional benefits. For Advanced Life Support certification, we provide an additional $5,291/year incentive pay plus per hour supplement pay. Annual retention supplements are also offered. Employees are eligible for up to $5,000/year tuition reimbursement, and we offer a stipend for individuals who are bilingual English/Spanish. We offer an excellent benefits package with additional retirement options for Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians.

Please visit our web site at www.pwcgov.org/fire and click on “Career Opportunities.” You will find our short employment application form which can be submitted online. Apply now if you are ALS for a July hire (15 positions). Apply now at any level for a Jan 2010 hire. (30 positions)

Email mail if you have any questions. Delete Comment
At 9:44pm on February 12, 2009, Paul Young said…
Hey there Fireforever, add a brother if you want to......
At 11:44pm on February 4, 2009, Kevin said…
thanks for the add. have a great day
At 6:35pm on January 12, 2009, Cameron Monroe, Captain, Argyle said…
I hope u don't mind I was looking @ ur pics and made a copy of the brotherhood one for my computer,
At 9:56pm on December 7, 2008, Mick Mayers said…
How's everything going? Just scanning my "friends" list and seeing who was out there that I haven't heard from in a while. Hope all is well with you. Stay safe!

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