When you think about the fire service in this country, what names come to mind and why?
Brannigan? Brunicini? Dunn? Salka? Lasky? Buckman? Grimwood? Goldfeder? Smith? Carter? Bruno? Leary?
If they were coming to a place near you, would you go see them?
What would compel you to make it a point to go and listen to a certain speaker? What topic would most interest you?
Is there someone at the local level that you feel will become nationally known?

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Ciampo, Dugan, Mcgrail,Dodson,Golfeder,Coleman,Salka,Lasky,Morris,Brunacinni I have seen all these guys and taken classes from all of them and they are all awesome.

A local hero of mine "Cricket" Gerald. The best Captain I have ever worked for and the best fireman I have ever seen.
In my 20 years I have learned from very well known people and some people have never or will never hear of. I think I have learned so much each day on my shift. Learning is always needed but anyone can learn from anyone if they take the time to listen and want to learn. By the way my family has been in the fire service in NY since FDNY was all volunteer, I think I can add a few family memebers for teaching me.
Would that be the copy of "Report from Ground Zero" that was doing the rounds through IACOJ? From vague memory it was supposed to go on from NZ to Oz to Peter(Pumper41) and then down to me I think.

"You know; he's just crazy enough to do it."
Who - me come over to your way or Lasky to come over here? :) All going well I will be in Indy for FDIC in April, and will be at the opening ceremony wearing the uniform of my new (paid) department.
Yes, I would definitely go to see/hear them speak...wisdom is something you cannot put a price on and most of these men have learned things the hard way...as Bruno said.."No matter how much you like to fight fire,somedayyou will get a fire that you really wish you didn't have"...I have one that you missed.....What about Benjamin Franklin...?? Check your history books again....formed the first fire company and was the father of American Firefighting....1st Chief.....Stay safe.........Paul
Yes; exactly. That is the book. It made it through the US and Canada; made it to NZ and has been there ever since to my knowledge. Last known location was Flying Kiwi. What's your IACOJ name?
If it's warm there, Rick would probably jump at the chance.
But, it sounds like you'll be coming here to hear him.
You'll never forget it.
A person I would love to meet, talk to and maybe share a beer with is Dennis Smith. To me he is the person who started to inform the public and shaped their perception on how we really work and what fire fighting is like.
I know he is not as famous as the firefighters Art mentioned but I would imagine he would be as interesting to talk to as any of the others.
If any of these people came to my city or department for a lecture, I would make a point of going to see them. The topic? Honestly, with these people, does it matter. Everyone would stand to learn something from any of the people you named.
Ben Franklin's birthday?

January 17th - same as mine. Just not the same year (quite).

Coincidence? I think not. LOL

Besides, we both share the same haircut - and both caused by a lightning strike.
Absolutely, if I were to start a list of authors, Dennis Smith would be at the top of the list. I have a couple of his books; one that is autographed. To that list, I would add Sean Flynn (3000 Degrees), Joseph Wambaugh (Fire Lover), David Halberstam (Firehouse) and Sebastian Junger (Fire). These are men who write/wrote with passion about tradition, culture and history.
I guess what I was looking at with my original list were the leadership qualities of those mentioned.
Which is why I started this thread. It is a diverse opinion and certainly people who have helped any one of us grow as men/women and firefighters are worthy of rock star status.
Go fly a kite!
Thought I replied to this but it is not showing up.

"What's your IACOJ name?"
Well, I'll be damned.
Small world, brother.

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