Does anyone have a cairnes 1010 helmet their dept is retiring or that you don't want . Please let me know . I will email you my address if you wish to give me one . Thanks
If I had one that was being retired, two things would happen. First, it would go on the wall. Second, if I did sell it, the liner would be removed and a big OOS would be on the inside. Why would anyone sell a OOS helmet to someone else that may try to use it. If you want a new one, let me know, I have a couple for sale that are brand new. I can get whatever you need, I am a Cairns dealer.
Just buy a new one. I would look into a 1010 and a 1044 they are both really nice I've got both and thay are worth every penny that i've spent. Just a suggestion. Like boom boom said i've got both and don't feel comfortable selling one for liability reasons.