i was just curious if anyone saw the show prototype this on the discovery channal and if you have did anyone chatch the episode they did for the fire department. i ask cause i saw one of their ideas and thought it was very good. what are your feelings abour something like the pyro pack being developed and put to use?

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Yup! I didn't think too much of it. It wouldn't make coffee! I liked the ergonomics of it, along with the HUD and ID features. I'm not sure about the built in extinguisher though. It would seem to me that if you were able to suppress the fire with an extinguisher, then you probably wouldn't need all the other stuff. But I give them an E for Effort. It appeared to be a better idea than the robot hose hauler/victim extractor.
i agree with you on the robot. and as for the extinguisher that could be used if you are in advance of the house team and need to push the fire back some
Thats crazy looking.
doesnt look like anything i would want to use. ill stick with the tools i got now. they seem to work just fine for me.

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