Yup, I wana see the urban assult vehicles that everyone is running to fire and ems calls. especially with what everone is running to move traffic.
Here's mine.

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Thats a Nice truck, how much are u selling for?
You see mine all the time lol.... What do you think......
Wonder how many people this will piss off..In Michigan we are only allowed to use white or red lites on our POV. Now, i think the whole country should be using one color lites for the POV. Reason? Say i am in a state that uses blue for POV use..My states, blue is for police only,,so i think,,,what the hell have i done to be pulled over for?
a peerson from another state comes to mich,,,sees the red lites on a firefighters POV...thinks what the hell? hes breaking the law,,cant use red..
Also, we must have at least one RED lite that can be seen in 360 degrees..
We dont and cannot be expected to know all the laws reguarding this for each state. so i think we need some conformity in this situation
mine is a 92 chevy s-10 blazer and im way to big for it lol

There's my girl...2002 S10 w/ the 4.6L V6. She looks mighty plain as far as lights go...Volunteers in Alabama can't run lights/siren i their POVs, haha so I just stick with my hazard lights:p
If we run lights they have to be amber and white... I havent gotten any lights yet, but i just run my hazard lites if needed..Our Cheif thinks there is no need to run lights to the station. Idk i thinkit would help for pedestrians to knw we r coming through to help/..
I own a 1997 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 Extended cab. My basic setup is a red/white mini-phantom for on-scene lights, since we can't run them responding. Since we can't use them I also have a radar detector :) I also have a GPS.

Plans in the future include grill lights, siren, side and back lights and possibly strobes or a mini-lightbar.
let them call us what they will but remember we dont sit at the fire house 24/7 we have to get there first

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