do you think a department needs them

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Depends on your department. 13yrs ago I help develop a Jr. Firefighter/Explorer program and I believe it worked out well. After they reached the age for active membership, they became full fledged and have done quite well. Out of our very first group we have 1 is now a full time Fire Medic with Des Moines Fire Department and still a volunteer, 1 has moved into a Captain position with this department and 1 went to the Air Force where he became a Firefighter for them. When he returned, he rejoined the department as a volunteer. Jump to present day: He is now the Chief of the department, and doing a great job. Do we need them? Under a well planned program, I say yes. They are the future of our service. Thanks, be safe!
Sure...It would be an excellent way to insure the future of the Department...But, should only be utilized for activities surrounding the Firehouse NOT as manpower for an incident or structure fire.....Stay safe and keep the faith......Paul
I say yes we do need them.

It lets them see what the fire department is like and also gives them experience.
Out went my first reply. I misread the thread title! Thought it said 'journo' firefighter - 'journo' being our slang for journalist, or reporter...

Juniors? Good idea. Under our system it provides a way for these people to be introduced to the world or the Fire Brigade in safety. They do their own training, they interact with the senior members, they are kept well away from incidents. They learn, and some of them become full members.
Of course we need them they are the future. Some will graduate and leave but more than likely join where ever it is they move to. Some will stay. The greatest feeling is instilling in them the values of being a good public servant and watching them move up the ranks as they get older
HELLS YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

great for support and funrarising as well as an extra pair of hands on calls
1st of all, great job in the spellcheck. I see 5 years of school did the trick. 2nd, definitely J U N I O R S should be allowed into the "volunteer" service. I builds a foundation for the next generation of firemen(sorry ladies, old school here). It is important to define their boundaries and stick with them until they mature into senior firemen.
Yes, it gives the individual a chance to see if they are really cut out for firefighting. Also the department will see what kind of person they will be getting before they spend money on a slug.
I think it is a great idea! I grew up around the fire service and once I turned 16 the chief personally dropped off the application to my house. It's a good way to give them the knowledge they need. Just have strict rules about operating on a scene. We could only ride the tanker and only if the OIC told us to go. We could not take the place of a senior firefighter. And we could not do anything on a scene but set up the dump tank and help pick up equipment after the call was over.
I think a junior program is excellent, so long as the program is closely supervised and monitored.
I began in the fire service as a junior. Excellent learning experience, and not that I was prone to go a bad way in life, I think the experience helped keep me on the straight-and-narrow.

The program must comply with your state's child labor laws, and if there are laws governing the activities of junior firefighters, they must be strictly followed. For example, in my state Pennsylvania, junior firefighters are very restricted as to their activities on a fireground and training. I know of a few departments that allow their juniors to violate the rules (i.e.- answer calls at all hours on school nights), and all it will take is one instance where the junior is hurt and the State will come down on them.
Not until they can spell Junior, and Lieutenant at least

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