As you can see, the room is already lit up. Apparently they are in no rush to get the ladder off the rig and in place. So......WTF?

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WTF is right, First thought that came to my mind is it appears to me that the dept. involved could use some refresher training in carrying/placing ground ladders, it looked like it took a little longer than usual. Without being critical, the room was "glowing" when the first firefighter entered the room, in that kind of heat I doubt seriously that anyone inside the structure without turnouts or respiratory protection would be alive, I probably would have not sent the firefighter into room. With that said, I wish to commend his bravery and I am thankful to God above that he was not seriously injured, that goes for everyone on the fireground!
boo hooo you just hate when a woman is right. get over yourself.
you too caleb. Like they always say... A picture is worth a thousand words.
When I first watched the video, I was amazed they went in. It is clear to me, wheather it is a flashover or not, the room is not survivable. I recently attended a class in my area, they talked about the temps where a human body can survive. In the class, they said bare skin can withstand 300* for a very short time. The respiratory system can only take 165* for a very short time. To me, the temps in the room, even on the floor, are well above that.

It would seem the department not only needs flashover and sizeup training, but more control on the fireground.
At the point where the room flashed and the first firefighter bailed out of the window, at what point in time does the second firefighter decide to drop his tool and grab his buddy and help get him out of a bad situation. He did nothing but stand there in the way. He didnt really try to help his buddy out, if I was in that situation, grab my a** and drag me out, i I fall...I'll still thank you later.
I could care less what gender, color, or department you belong to. If you are right, then I will listen.

A former member of this board is a woman I have the highest respect for, and she would have called your limited experienced self out for those disrespectful comments.

When you do not get all the facts, are totally out of line, and more importantly disrespectful I am gonna call you on it.

You young lady are wrong. It is that simple.
Amen Brother
What are they searching for? A dead body? I don't believe i would have entered that room and from the looks of it probably not that house. From what i saw it could collapse at any moment.
Sorry, but in my opinion they WEREN'T thinking....this to me looks like a recovery and I wouldn't risk my people for that...But then again I wasn't there and I don't have to answer the questions if someone gets hurt or killed....Paul
then where is she? I wanna hear what she has to say.
I am apologizing for my language but that's it. I don't always find myself in the right but when I do think I am in the right I will not back down from a challenge in here and thats it. However, I will watch the video again.
I read the post and It was a form of ventiliation that I didn't recall going through in the FF1 class in Idaho. I remember positive and negative ventilation and all the other usual types but never ves. I can see why the room was appearing to flash. I do apologize for getting angry.

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