Just wondering what does everyone use for a color for the warning lights.

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Mostly red and white with one yellow on the back of our units. We are also looking in to the chevron on the back of them also.
Same here, red white and one amber in the back.
depends on which vehicles you are referreing to
the apparatus have red and white light bars and on the back there are red and amber rotators and arrow sitcks on the back the chief is considering adding green lights on the pumpers for when the trucks engage the pumps.

on my truck i have a blue ecco mini bar
Most People on my dept. use amber, red, and white. We can not use blue. I have a red/white strobe on my dash and red and white gril light four each. Plus wig wags. On the trucks mostly red and amber. By the way the eight gril lights cost less than 100 $.
are you considered an authorized emergency vehicle? unless you are a chief or line officer your vehicle would be illegal in ny, but some people do get away with it
Apparatus have red and white on the front and red and amber on the rear. My POV has red and clear strobes in the four corners and red grill lights on a alternating flasher.
Red and White LEDs
We have red and white rotators on all but the new engine and red rotators on the backs. The new engine has the LED bar and 2 rotating amber lights in back. And the grass rig has a strobe bar on it. But we run blue lights on pov's. Indiana won't let us have red. My old department runs red and blue's. Farmlandfire.com
When we check in route to the station or to a scene our pov are conciderd emergency vehicle until we are clear of that call.
boy are you lucky, were happy when the cops leave us alone and stay out of our way and the public pulls over and signla properly. if you want i can post the section about our light from the v&t
Red strobes in all four corners of my POV. TCSS
We run red, white, and one amber on the driver side in the back. We also have to have a light on top.


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