went on a first responder run last night fire dept was first on scene so three of us went in to get a lady out ready for tranport --dispatch advised ems she had this but not the fire dept. and three of us already exposed to it. anyone know of any medical websites to look at???

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Mrsa where??? can you catch it probally not.. It could had been in her urine, cut.. This is where medical outside the hospitel are getting wrong we have alot in the hospital .. Did you have gloves on?? If she was bleeding did you have protective gear on... If you did all this then you are save ... But go to anysite .. Google it MRSA... It is hard to explain to someone on a forum who does not understand it.. Not your fault.. By far not calling you anything so please don't take it wrong.. Read about then ask the ques if you have any.. Ok all you are going to get is alot of people who are trying to help ,but unless you and your crew understands it no sence in trying..So google it read about it then ask the ques.. I am a nurse and a Emt... MRSA has been around for along time...... Also VRSA.. google that
Go to your states health department site or look at the CDC government site!
umm I know that they can have a history of it and you may not get it.. also depends on where she has it.. I think as long as you wore gloves and wash your hands no big deal
unless it was open wound or oozing u should be ok but here is a site mite help u with a lil better undeerstanding.... http://www.medopedia.com/mersa-staff-infection-secrets . be safe every call wear your exaam gloves because you never know whats out there.
Tons of MRSA in the north country no deaths.. Maybe you are talking aboout the skin bacteria that kills people.. Yes some elderly may pass ,but from other compilcations...... comes down to universal precautions
Hi.....You can check out the CDC site (Center for Disease Control)...If you followed your "BSI" Body substance Isolation guidelines then you have nothing to worry about...MRSA is a Methylacillin resistant form of Staph which we all have .... good hand washing and standard universal precautions is all that is needed...BUT, you should wash your stretcher down with a bleach solution afterwards...Dispatch had no business giving out this information over the air....MRSA often first shows up as "spider bites" like boils....use common sense, wash your hands and your equipment and there is nothing to worry about......Stay safe.........Paul
try Webmd...methicillin resistant staphyloccocus aureus...wikipedia can give you general info also.
always wear BSI...gloves, even double glove if u have to...
Search firehouse.com, and fireengineering.com for some articles. Also cdc.gov

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was first reported decades ago in the United States and was related to exposures in the healthcare system. These staphylococcal (Staph) bacteria are resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics, including methicillin, oxacillin, penicillin, and amoxicillin.

MRSA infections can be spread by contact with infected skin or personal items, such as towels, bandages, or razors, that have been in contact with infected skin. It is more likely to spread in places where there is close contact, such as locker rooms or correctional facilities. The bacteria get into the skin through scrapes or cuts or small openings in the skin, particularly around hair follicles. Investigations have shown transmission through the sharing of common objects, such as athletic equipment, towels, benches, and personal items contaminated with MRSA.

Risk factors include:
• Close skin-to-skin contact;
• Openings in the skin, such as cuts and scrapes;
• Contaminated items and surfaces, such as soap and towels;
• Crowded living conditions;
• Poor hygiene, skipping showers before using communal whirlpools;
• Improper wound care; and
• Poor hand hygiene -- lack of access to hand washing facilities.

Prevention and Control
• Keep draining wounds covered with clean, dry bandages.
• Stress good hand hygiene; wash regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based gel if not visibly soiled. Always
wash hands immediately after any contact with infected skin or items in direct contact with drainage.
• Bathe regularly.
• Don't share items that may be contaminated from a wound, such as towels, clothing, bedding, bar soap,
razors, and athletic equipment.
• Launder clothing that comes into contact with the wound and dry thoroughly.
• No participation in athletic events and other activities with skin contact with other people unless the wound
can be kept covered with a clean, dry bandage.
• Clean equipment and other environmental surfaces if multiple people have skin contact with it.[1] MRSA
can survive on some surfaces for a long time (hours to months) depending on the temperature; humidity;
the amount present; the type of surface, such as those that are porous; and if nutrients are present.
Effective disinfectants registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are available at retail
stores and should be used according to their directions. Contact time is critical.

The CDC says hand washing with soap and water after every contact even after wearing gloves. Hand sanitizers are ok if hand washing is not immediately available, but wash as soon as possible.
In addition to the GREAT post above, it should be noted that the health institution based MRSA has been joined by "Community" encountered MRSA, meaning it is now "In the Wild" so to speak.

Same bugs, same precautions...
Unless I did not read it in this post, it was not mentioned that MRSA can be airbourne. This is especially true with pt's who are trached and/or on a vent. We have many cases of this here in the nursing facilities. If they are taking proper precautions there will be signs on the door that advise not to enter without talking to the nurse handling the pt. With this and any contact with MRSA you should be gloved, gowned and masked (eye protection if bagging, intubating or working in the head area). When the pt is transported out of the facility to the ER, if the pt has MRSA in the respiratory track, then the pt needs to be masked during the transport and transfer. However it is correct that the best way to clean hands or exposed area is simple soap and water. Most hospital based hand sanitizer will not effectively kill it.
Anne Potter---It was a respiratory /lungs

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