As you can see, the room is already lit up. Apparently they are in no rush to get the ladder off the rig and in place. So......WTF?

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A charged hoseline? You have obviously never had to perform or even have an idea what VES is. Rapid entry and egress, quick search. As far as if anyone could have survived, is it possible that someone right next to the bed could still be alive? You have no idea and yet you have written off any possible victims. You should research VES and learn a little about it before you make uneducated criticism.
If he was going to make an interor attack or even a search and rescue attempt where was his hose line? It is very hard to fight fire with an axe.
With a charged hose line he might have faught it back to the door and back into the hall way. It was no worst criticism then most the other post. I HAVE searched a bedroom for a victim and she kneeling on the floor and her head was on the bed and NO she was not alive! It was not an uneducated criticism. I have been in a simular situation myself but we did find her.
Realy, you gonna carry a charged hoesline up the ladder and still be quick? The anwer is no. You are not fighting a fire when you are performing VES, you are entering, closing the fire door, allowing byproducts out the window, and performing a very rapid search. All a hoseline is going to do at that point is slow you down, take you away from your primary mission and get in the way. If you choose not to enter because you think it is a loser that is one thing, but you do not take a hoseline in VES.
Well then from the looks of the room VES was the wrong choice to make. Look at the video again it was not a servivable environment for any one with out gear. Look at some of the other posts I'm I am not the only one that thought about the hose line or that it was to late before he ever went in. I'm done.
It's real easy to Monday morning quarterback. How do we know what we would have done if we were in the same situation. It's part of our job. We shouldn't be so quick to criticize.
I can't really critique that FD because I wasn't there. perhaps the guys thought that since it was vented, it was OK. not necessarily wrong but questionable.
Putting aside for a second the room is all but gone, the ladders are set on such an angle they are ready to kick out with first bit of weight put at top...he went in the window and never really sounded the floor..and went in alone instead of staying at the window for partner..god damn did any thoughts go through their heads
Thank you Eric for posting your description of what actually happened at that fire. I am going to show this video at my department until they rebel and toss me out on the street.
What the f@#$ were these idiots thinking?!
A. NObody heeled that ladder nor did they even set it up correctly for a victim rescue!!
b. What the F#@! were they doing going into a situation were the whole room is flashing and transitioning into a fully involved mess???
Im with ya Philly.

Even as an Engine guy for the majority of my career, I do understand Truck company ops...

This was a Truckie going in to make rescue, that most dont understand that concept isnt really a surprise...ya know?

Oh and the Eagles still suck!

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