Does anyone know of any software out there that can be used to record firefighter injuries in our departments?? I'm currently taking a Emergency Instructor course and it was a class discussion.When a injury does happen we would like to be able to record it and easily look back at the records and if the same injury keeps happening.
Yeah we have that.I looked and really didn't see any places that I could add that kind of information.I guess I could look again,maybe I can put it in there somewhere.Thanks for the reply. :~}
Yeah that's an idea,I may do that.I'm the secretary of my department so I'm 1 of about 4 people that have access to that program so it shouldn't violate any of our privacy laws.
Your fire department's insurance company should provide you with that capability. You are already paying for it. Our insurance company has a web portal where I am on their server and they have forms set up for injury information, summary information and all of the summary logs required by the various federal and state agencies. It's part of their customer service. It is included in our premiums. will get you started.
We use Firehouse software for all our reports but it may be worth checking into that program as well even if we just use it to help keep track of injuries,thanks.
Amanda not really sure....But look into a comapny called Fire Programs.....They have all kids of record keeping programs...