Amanda W.
  • 42, Female
  • United States
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Amanda W.'s Friends

  • Kevin House
  • Carl
  • Kelly
  • Firefighter321059
  • Nathan
  • Jen
  • kyle m wagner
  • David
  • Honeyluv EMT
  • kevin gilstorff
  • Epi   Waqa
  • Reggie Cervantes
  • Richard
  • Jones

Kickaxe Lady Firefighter

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer, Firefighter, First Responder, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
4 & 1/2 years
Years With Department/Agency
4 & 1/2
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Used to work for Rush Springs Ambulance service
My Training:
There's a lot.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love helping people and knowing I made a difference in someones life. :~}
Why I Love Fire/EMS
All the people I get to meet
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Always gonna be training

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Amanda W.'s Blog

They're home!!

Posted on April 6, 2008 at 12:00am 1 Comment

The only photo I have posted is one of missing children who were very dear to me.I'm happy to say they have found their way back home and were reunited with their mother last night.Their father kidnapped them several months ago and were found in Texas.I got to see them today and was very excited.They are everything I prayed they would be when returned.They are healthy and were unharmed.They have lots of questions and it will take a long time for them to be answered.A lot of adjustments are… Continue

Homework stops LODD's

Posted on January 18, 2008 at 8:00am 1 Comment

Well my class is going great!! I love it!! I'm learning so much new stuff to educate not only myself but our fellow brothers and sisters and that's why I continue my education.I love the Fire Service and everything that's around it.Once I get my Instructor certification I will greatly benefit not only my department but others in my county.As volunteers we struggle to meet the every changing challenges of training.I have strong support of my family,my instructor,other instructors and my… Continue

Sorry friends!!

Posted on January 15, 2008 at 2:35pm 0 Comments

I haven't been able to sign into my page since last August.I finally contacted support and they fixed it right away.I'm happy to see all the new friend request,I hope noone gave up on me,lol.Look forward to chatting with all of you!!

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At 11:39am on August 20, 2008, Debi said…
Thanks for adding me as a friend! Stay strong and Safe!
At 1:28am on February 23, 2008, Kelvin L. Davis said…
Thanks for the words of encouragement. Be safe out there sister.
At 4:52pm on February 18, 2008, David said…
Howdy Amanda,
How's it going darlin? I hope all is well with you too. I'm doing awesome and just enjoying a nice day being off. Things are going great in this neck of the woods but I'm SO ready for the nice hot Texas summer weather to get here. Stay safe, have fun and love on your family as much as possible because that's one of the most important things you can do.
At 1:53am on February 6, 2008, Carl said…
well here i am now what
At 10:17pm on February 4, 2008, Kelly said…
hi how ae things going
At 1:55pm on January 29, 2008, nick276ff43 said…
hello....stay safe
At 10:20pm on January 25, 2008, Coach said…
Thank you, and you do the same!
At 10:05pm on January 25, 2008, Coach said…
Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. In addition to the relatively cool videos and fire scene photos, there are numerous groups, discussions and chat available.

If you have never had the opportunity, take a minute to explore and the secret list. This is a wonderful web site to explore and learn from the mistakes of others. It is also, sadly, a roll call of those whom have made the ultimate sacrifice, in their service to their communities.

We have all joined the Public Safety Community for a variety of our personal reasons. Some of us are paid, while others volunteer. Many are firefighters, while others enjoy the EMS side of the house. We have active firefighters, line officers, chiefs, administrative officers, and a number of old timers who have seen most of the mistakes already made at least once. We have firefighters with many many years of experience, and others that, well, don’t. All are welcome here in The Nation. We welcome your input, just as we hope that you learn from the experiences of others.

Personally, I have 31 years service to the local fire department. I have held most line officer positions, and some administrative as well. Now part of the Old Guard so to speak, I am less inclined to go charging into where others are trying to escape. Instead, I choose to monitor the fire scene closely, attempting to ensure the safety of all on the fire scene.

I welcome you to the FFN. Here we all share one common goal.....

Everyone Goes Home
At 12:07pm on January 23, 2008, Richard said…
Hey. I hope your day is going great. I hope we can chatt sometime. TTYL
At 11:24am on January 23, 2008, David said…
I'm doing AWESOME!!! I'm alive and kicking. Have the most amazing job with the fire department and have the best bunch of fire brothers you could ever hope for. I'm new to this website but everyone is really cool and have welcomed me here as firefighters do. Thanks for writing and please feel free to drop me a line anytime you want and ask me any questions you'd like to. I'm not shy and don't even mind talking about some of the darkest days of my life within the past 6 months when I wrecked my motorcycle. I hope you have a great day and that I hear from you soon.

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