I would like to know how many departments still draft from a lake or pond or river because this is part of are driver training is it a thing of the past ?

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Drafting and water shuttling is essential for rural areas where there are little to no hydrants. Even if your AO is well hydranted, you should still know drafting and shuttling procedures in case of mutual aid, disasters that shut down the water supply, or other reasons. I was disappointed to see it is barely covered in the latest edition of IFSTAs text books.
LMAO Sarah alligators in Ohio now New Yourk i would say ok
Good point there
We draft alot from lakes and ponds due to our rural aspect of living.... We also carry a ice agure to cut holes for winter time... Slowly getting dry hydrants into place ,but alot of drafting..First thing that happens going to a structure is where and what pond to set up at....
not your average alligators. Highly trained attack alligators known for tearing firefighters into salami used in Christmas gift baskets.
We use 3500 gallon vacuum tankers that can fill themselves in approximately 2 minutes. We draft as well as shuttle water into areas that don't have hydrants.
All the departments in the county I live in draft and it's done a lot
We draft water from the river or streams when necessary. We would reallly rather NOT if we can avoid it. Even with strainers the silt & crud can get in the tank and ultimately in the pump. A tiny little rock in an impeller can be BIG trouble. But yes we do draft.
Don't know what part of Ohio you are from but in MY part, we don't have gators. Well, not that I've seen but there is lots of creepy stuff in the mighty OHIO River. I did see a catfish once I thought was a dolphin or some such. If I see any gators, I'll be sure to send them down to you. :)

Clinton fire department shipped these gators in especially for our trainings on drafting.... I can't believe no one else does this...

There are definitely some catfish the size of small moose lurking around up there..
"I would like to know how many departments still draft from a lake or pond or river because this is part of are driver training is it a thing of the past ? " I take it you mean 'our' driver training?

We teach drafting. To all recruits. We practice drafting. Drafting is an essential part of training for any firefighter whose area is not fully covered by an effective hydrant system. Or shall I say whose area is not covered by a hydrant system that is 100% guaranteed not to fail? So, what area has a hydrant system that will never fail? None. Any system can fail.

Drafting is another 'tool in the box'. Drafting is easy. Why not learn how and practice it regularly?
Drafting is easy? To us that depend on it. It's second nature. To those that never have done or been taught. It is greek to them. There is more to drafting than start a draft.

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