Hey All,

I am considering purchasing a Gemtor Belt, do any of you out there have one? If so what are your thoughts/opinions on this product as to how useful it is.


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Not bad, a little pricey. There are much more reasonably priced options that are available for the same purpose. I wear a RIT Rescus Sytems Class II inside my gear. MSRP around $130
i have two, one on each of my sets of gear. I think they're great. they can be used for a variety of things besides bailing out. (I'm not familiar with the gemtor catalog, but I assume you're talking about the bail out harness)

They ARE a little pricey and buying a rope system along with it can really send the price up.

If you are gonna get one, make sure you get the right size and the opening on the correct side.

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