ST. Louis FireFighter Shot and Killed Trying to help at a Car Wreck.

A ST. Louis Firefighter was shot and killed tonight . The Firefighter stopped to help what he thought was a car wreck. Little did he know it was a robbery suspect who just robbed a store and wrecked a car he stole. The robber then shot the ST. Louis Firefighter in the chest and stole his Fire Dept. Vehicle. The suspect then crashed and got into a shootout with police officers. The ST. Louis Firefighter was taken to a nearby Hospital where he later died of his injuries. The suspect was also killed by police. Let us take time to pray for his family and friends. Let him rest in peace.

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Replies to This Discussion our Fallen Brother.....condolences to the family and the FD family.
oraremos por su alma y pediremos por la familia de nuestro hermano bombero, desde Colombia
This is such a tragic thing to have happened. Our thoughts and prayers to family,friends and his department.
My Heart goes out to all Family, Friends, and our Brothers. He truly gave his life trying to save anothers the true definition of a Hero.
My prayers go out to the young firefighter and his family. I, like many of us, carry a jump bag in my personal vehical and am ready to respond should I come upon a scene. A tragedy like this reminds us all that we need to be extra cautious when we respond to any accident, especially in an unmarked vehical and when we are alone. Hopefully, some discussion takes place and people learn how to better protect themselves when stopping at accident scenes they come upon while off duty. And maybe this firefighter's life will lead to someone else being saved later. I know had he survived he was probably the kind of person who would have stopped at the next accident he came across.

One of my friends. Levi, died of natural causes at the age of twenty-six. At the funeral there was a kid there who had wrecked his ATV and was pinned face down in the snow, Levi stopped his car in a snow storm, just barely being able to see the atv and saved this kid's life and at that time Levi was just a college kid doing the right thing. Stopping when we come upon an accident is very important, this firefighter died for people like the kid and his mom who showed up and spoke at Levi's funeral. They are who this firefighter gave his life for, even though the person in his accident turned out to be a lunatic scum bag.
My Prayers go out the all the family and friends, as the days and future goes forth we all need to pray for a better country and also the world. Please let's keep God in our life. Stay Safe
thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
thoughts and prayers go out to family and friendsand the fire dept
that is such a terrible lost no matter who it is in my eyes its another brother lost. my prayers are with him and his family.
People these days! My thoughts and prayers go out to them also.
How Horrible..thoughts and prayers go out to the department and loved ones,
We just lost one of our own firefighters about a month ago and the support we got was overwhelming. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and his fellow firefighter brothers. Rest in Peace!!

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