Guernsey County 911 is handled by the Sheriffs Office, and I must say "pathetically" is being nice. They used to dispatch mutual aid based on a quadrant system using Interstate 77 and 70 as the boundaries. The biggest problem was they put all departments on a button in a quadrant. Example: a fire in the Northwest corner of our coverage area would result in two other departments from our quadrant being dispatched. The problem: a Department from quadrant 1 was closer, as was two fire departments from the neighboring county. After several calls in which we were cancelling the improperly (based on common sense) dispatched departments and the resulting complaints.........the sheriffs office simply stopped dispatching mutual aid until someone gets on the radio and tells them who they want. Their stubborness is costing valuable time and will eventually cause someone their life, be it civilian or fd.
Is there any way to convince these people we are on the same side of public service?
You should monitor us in Monroe County. We have ran it w/ out automatic aid for years.Here in Woodsfield we handle all in town structres ourselves 90% of the time. However I call for the closest as soon as we are paged for out of town calls. Mainly for tanker shuttle. Its actually worked well and if we dont need them we turn them back. Our new 911 is handled by the S.O. also and it is a joke depending whos on the desk.Some care and some dont. If we would come up with a quadrant plan like yours it would be a waste of time they wouldnt do it.
I know everybody does things differently because after all it is Ohio but I don't understand how that happens. What is the issue with the dispatchers? They are being paid to do a job. That means they should DO the job they are being paid for.
I live in Lawrence County, yeah that is OHIO not WV. We have a 911 center. The dispatchers are QUALIFIED dispatchers. They "relay" law enforcement calls to the proper authorities and forward EMS calls to the EMS dispatch center (SEOEMS has their own) but the initial call comes through 911. There are 17 VFDs in the county and 1 career dept. Our dispatchers are usually right there for us with anything we need. LawCo 911 works with the LawCo EMA.
I really don't understand why dispatchers don't dispatch.
Permalink Reply by John on October 29, 2008 at 3:11pm
Our county sheriff is wanting a joint dispatch system and thank God our chief and Township trustees turned them down. Unless they know the area how can they properly dispatch the right companies. They are also delaying care or possible life safety by waiting til someone radios them.
Sad to say I can back up Don and Mike statement on the dispatching. We run matual aid with departments in both counties. The dispatch is some what to be desired.
As far as our dispatch in Noble Co. We are also dispatched thru the S.O. I will have to say we don't have the problems as Mike and Donald does. But we do have problems. One of the things that help us is that we only have Three departments in our county plus one paid ambulance service. For the most part we have dispatchers that does a half way decent job. Then we have dispatchers that's not so good.
Jenny you talk about your dispatch center. It would be nice to have 911 dsipatch centers in our area. The funding issues prevent that. Our tax base can't support the funding to do so. So yes funding is a issue. There fore we our forced to adapt to what we have and make the best of it. Right or wrong.
The bottom line we do not have qualified dispatcher to dispatch. Sad to say the only way this is going to change is that someone getting hurt or God fore bid, Killed and the counties being sued for improper trained dispatchers.
I know that our 911 system was in planning stages for several years before it became reality. (I won't forget July 3, 1996, the first day 911 was operational, that was the day of the Scottown fireworks fire) The LawCo FFs Association worked very hard in helping to get it off the ground. We used equipment donated from each department & have since upgraded & installed repeaters on several existing towers. A lot of that money comes from grants as well.
There used to be a lot of industry in the county but that was years ago. Ironton, the county seat is practically a ghost town compared to its population 20 yrs ago.
Everyone who has a phone in the county (or cell phone) pays a tax that goes into 911. A portion of payments made to EMS goes into 911. I can check for certian but I believe that there was a grant to start up the service & it is supported by taxes. My family pays about $3.60 a month to 911 between 3 cell phones & the home phone.
We have enhanced 911. The building it is in is an old building shared with the Emergency Management Agency, it is small but effective. The dispatchers are well trained if not well paid. When calls come in for the sheriff's departement, the highway patrole or ambulance those calls are relayed to dispatchers at those locations. 911 dispatchers only tone out & dispatch FDs.
Prior to 911 we were dispatched through South Eastern Ohio Emergency Medical dispatch on what was then known as firecom. They used the same radio system with seperate channels for FDs. SEOEMS is located in Gallia county but they have ambulance stations in 5 counties in south east Ohio.
It sounds like something your FDs might persue with the county commissioners in multiple counties. Doesn't your shaky alert system have a negative affect your ISO rating?