To all my brothers and sisters in the fire and ems service.

I want o start a virtrual bar here on this site. This is will be a place where we can stop and say howdy and have a few drinks and visit with each other. We gather for sport events, have a few drinks or have a meal. Or just what ever we want to do. Remember this is a virtual bar.

To start things off. We have a soild four side Oak Bar with Brass foot rest with Soild Oak bar stools. Have 10 big Soild Oak tables w/chairs that seat 10 people per table. We have a game room w/ three pool tables. I'll leave the vedio games up to the ones that play them things on what they want to add. We have a big 20 X 30 Deck out back w/ two Spas. We have 6 big screen plasma TV's 4 in the bar area. One in the game room and one out on tha deck.

The bar is fully stocked. We have pop, water sport drinks for the under age and the non alcoholic Bothers and Sisters.

Feel free to add anything to the saloon as you wish. This can also be a place where new people can stop in and introduce there selves to us and buy us all a drink

For breakfast this morning we a breakfast buffet. we have Pancakes, Sausage gravey w/bisquits, sausage patties, beacon, ham and scrabbled eggs.

Get ready for the afternoon Football. I have ribs and chicken cooking on the BBQ pit out on the deck.

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Well Dave have one more for me..............LOL
Good morning. Coffee is on.

We Fresh sausage egg w/cheese sandwich speical this morning. The eggs aren't store bought, there fresh.
Morning Dave......
Where's your deer pics Anne:)
MMMM Coffee I'll have the special Dave, over easy on the eggs. Later I'll hit the Budweisers. But gotta have some coffee first
just got off work, so right now, coffee sounds great....might Irish it up a bit though. Got any Gibsons back there?
Good evening folks. How is everyone tonight.

Finally getting a taste of winter.

Whats for super? I think there is some of Johns chile left over from sunday. I'll throw that on. Should taste good.

I'll take a coors lite
Well Guys im p.o. they cancel the Baseball game to night so ill have to see who is the champ is on wed What a lil rain & snow So can i get a shot & beer and ill try some of that chilly
In for a nite cap.

Rum n Coke
Good morning. coffee is on. doughnuts on the bar

have a safe one.
Morning Dave a cup of coffee would be great .Just got done snow blowing a foot of snow in my driveway/.. All schools are closed today.. Heck I have yet to see a plow go by.... I have to work tonight ... so a cup of coffee ,back to bed thensnowblow some more before work.........
Just got in from Medics class, got showered up and getting ready for my Medic shift at the Department, better have me a Mt Dew. No beer tonight. Hope everyone stays safe tonight, and I will see you all tomorrow sometime.

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