Hello all i have been away for a few days due to some medical issues and i would like every one to please keep me and my family in your prayers . Friday i was diagnosed with Glaucoma and have already lost some of my vision i have a few more tests that will be run on the 7th of november and will keep everyone posted thankyou.

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I'm so sorry to hear this, you will surely be in my thoughts and prayers................ God Bless.
Sorry to hear this sw203 Your in my thoughts
Sorry to hear this your in are thoughts and prayers
God Bless, and you will be in our prayers as well!
You'll be in my prays hope everything goes good on the 7th!!
ok all well some not so good news i have closed angle glaucoma and have already lost 25% of the peripheal ( i dont think thats spelled right) vision in my right eye and 13% in my left. For the safety of both myself and those on my department i have had to resign my place on my department .I will still be around helping with other things when i can for them but i am no longer safely able to perform as an active member . I hope that i can still be a member of this site and a friend to you all...... thenk you for the prayers and thoughts and keep my family in them we will need all we can get for a while yet.I will keep you all informed as to how things are going thanks
I'm very sorry to hear that you had vision loss as a result of the closed angle glaucoma. Just last year I had exactly the same thing, in both eyes, but was fortunate enough to undergo the emergency laser procedure to relieve the pressure. I haven't suffered any loss in peripheral vision according to the tests, but I do see "flashers and floaters" occasionally due to other eye issues, mainly age related.

Have you resigned out of fear, or because of department policy? Our EMS captain has a progressive eye disease and has lost virtually all of her peripheral vision, yet still continues to function as a daytime EMT. She cannot drive anymore and voluntarily surrendered her license, but with some creative driving arrangements we get her to where she needs to be.

I mention this just to give some perspective in the hope you can find a workaround in your situation. God bless.
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers
You and your family will be in my prayers and hope that things will get better!
no joe i resigned not out of fear but a mutual decision by my spouse, myself, and the chief and officers on my department ......
Heavenly Father,

Strengthen her right now. Bring healing to her eyes, and clear sight. Comfort her entire family. Cover her mind with Your peace as she continues to undergo tests. We know You know the need already and are with her now. We thank you for her and the awesome work you have done through her. We await a positive outcome for her in Jesus Name.


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