ok this goes out to every one. I am a 911 disatcher and I am also a fire chief. I am looking for contact numbers to the FAA, NSTB and any other organization that would need to be contacted to a aircraft that goes down. The county I work for has only had one plane go down and the numbers used to contact people were disposed of. so if any one has any contact number it would br great. we have 3 airports in our county 2 small and one at an international level and large enough to land the space shuttle.

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I would call the Airport Authority. They will more than likely haveall the answers you are looking for. Do they also have their own fire department (I believe all International airports do), perhaps some cross training is a good idea. We run training with our airport, as we are not technically allowed to fight an airplane fire if it crashes/happens at the airport, but knowing what to do (fuel shut offs, etc) if it crashes in a field is a great idea.
Hey Chief....Several of our members took the ARFF (Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting) course offered locally by Kellogg College... they even have a mobile training simulator they bring around on a truck to use....was pretty intense....I have the class workbook if you would like it for training and information...or you could contact them for the same...I was surprised that my butt would fit through one of those tiny aircraft windows.....LOL....Stay safe and always remember to keep the faith........Paul
That sounds like the right way to go about it to me. Official contact with the international airport, who'll be able to answer all your questions I'd say. Maybe direct contact with the smaller ones afterward, just to get any local numbers. If this is official, go about it in an official way.

Your post didn't mention anything about training - so I won't either.
Tony, if you don't have a copy of this book, "Civil and Military Aircraft Accident Procedures for Police Officers and Emergency Services Personnel", download a free copy at http://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/2006/pdf/civ_mil.pdf and put it in the glove box of every truck. (It is also available from them in hard copy format.

The ATSB also says the following on their website:
The first persons arriving at an aircraft accident site can render valuable assistance to minimise injury and loss of life, reduce property loss through damage and fire, and prevent loss of clues and evidence as to the factors that contributed to the accident. Often, emergency services (police, fire brigades and ambulance) are the first trained personnel to be deployed at aircraft accident sites. To assist these personnel to better understand the essential procedures, as well as the many hazards existing at aircraft accident sites, this booklet has been jointly prepared by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) and the Directorate of Defence Aviation and Air Force Safety (DDAAFS). It provides guidance to civil authorities, the military, or other persons arriving at the site of an aircraft accident.

As well as general information on aircraft accident sites, this booklet features a what to do checklist in its centre pages for easy reference by emergency services personnel. The checklist should assist personnel in undertaking essential actions as safely as possible. Preservation of evidence for effective investigation requires appropriate management and control of the accident site. While the policies for notification and respective responses to civilian and military aircraft accidents may differ, notification and response procedures rely upon either organisation being notified promptly using the following 24 hour contact numbers:

Civil: All civil aircraft accidents are required, by law, to be reported to the ATSB: 1800 011 034.

Military: All military aircraft accidents are required to be reported to the DDAAFS Duty Officer on 0410 626 357 and, if practicable, the nearest military base.

In Australia, we also have CAVDISPLAN. Also known as the Commonwealth Government Aviation Disaster Response Plan, the plan provides the framework for addressing Australian Government support to the needs of a state, arising from an aviation disaster, which cannot be met from existing state resources.
If you have a local airport with a control, tower, their number should be listed in the government (blue pages) section of the local phone book. Air traffic control is the normal point of contact for federal agency notifications for an aircraft crash.
Hi Chief,

The question you have asked is very vital to any FD that has an airport in there area. This does not mean it has to be in your back yard.
We have an active airport in our town and we are part of the airport emergency plan. Each of the airports you speak of should have one.

I worked in ARFF also know as CFR in the service. So I know how vital it is for surrounding towns to be prepared and part of the emergency response plan.

I hope this little bit of info. I am giving you will be of help.

* Your phone book {or the one this airport is in}, should have the contact numbers in it. If not then I'd be contacting the airport manager/fixed base operator and the FAA workers that work the IAP.

* The immediate point of contact is the international airport if they have a fixed base operator or manager. .... and/or the airline company itself.

* The IAP must have all this info on file as part of their required emergency response plan. They will be your greatest asset for this info.

Does the dispatching service you work for dispatch FF equipment to these airports? If so you should be part of that airport emergency response plan.

If you dispatch FF/EMS/Police does your service have a disaster response plan? If so this should include the airports if they are in your response area.

As Chief, is your FD responsible for providing fire protection at any of these airports? Either first response or mutual aid? If so, your FD also should be part of the airport emergency response plan.

You never said if the airport had ARFF aircraft rescue firefighting at it? If it does this also is a great place to start for getting help besides the airport manager/fixed base operator.

* I'd be contacting these airports and let them know I have some concerns and want to know names of people/agencies with phone numbers that we are to contact day/night in the event of an aircraft emergency/crash.
* If you need to establish inter-department relations be open to setting up a county FD meeting with the airport manager/fixed base operator and/or become part of an emergency response plan.
* Each year set up tours on airport familiarization. {Which should include the fuel farm/fueling area, airport movement of responding equipment, emergency equipment staging, hangers and location of all airport access gates}.
* If these airports are not in your immediate response area I'd still request a tour and contact names. Who's to say that aircraft emergency/crash isn't in your town.

I hope the info. I've passed on is of help and an avenue of success in your quest to be prepared. If you need further help contact me at nrs5f@comcast.net
Stay safe, pass on knowledge and train often.

I'm not sure about the contact numbers for these agencies, but the tower people at your int'l airport shopuld have these numbers.
Well Chris, I think that some of the above posts have given you some very good advice as to where to obtain the information you need.
Here's another link, although Australian, gives an outline to Airport Emergency Planning.


It's a 93 page document written by CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority) and the aim is to provide a framework and standardisation in terms of plan details, terminology, content, etc for all airports Australia wide....

Seeing I am an A/C at a fairly large ARFF department and also ride as a Lt for paid municipal structural department, I have seen many off airport emergencies, and how some Fire Chief's have many questions about ARFF incidents when one falls out of the sky and into your town.

The local airport should be your first call long before you have an aircraft emergency. Especially with you being in the flight path of nearby airport(s) and you should establish a working relationship with the nearby airport authority before an emergency.

If the airport is indexed and has on site ARFF protection, you should also be familiar with the agent and equipment that may be available to you and your fire department. Example, we can roll a truck with 3000 gallons of water and 425 gallons of AFFF foam concentrate, plus have a support vehicle bring another 1000 gallons of AFFF to the scene.

These larger airports also provide mutual aid training for their ACM - Airport Cetification Manual. They usually are willing to come out and provide responder training and show off their equipment as well.

As for notifications, well it should be only one... back to your dispatch. But in reality they need two. The first being your regions FAA telephone number to notify FAA Flight Services of the aircraft's tail number. The FSS handle traffic in a large region. It may not even be in your state. The FSS operator can/will notify the NTSB for you. That number is available from the nearby Airport Manager or Operations guy. Hence making the contact now is a good idea. They also would be a good resource for response to the scene, especially with a commericial airliner, (large number of people) to having reasearch and data available for specific aircraft types and hazards.

The second notification should be the State Police Dispatch Center, they can usually notify all of your state agencies needed for an aircraft emergency response like State Police, DOT, Aeronatics, Medical Examiner or Coroner, etc.

Any further questions drop me a note.

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