im taken a poll wether pierce trucks or seagraves trucks are better so let me no what you think

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I like seagraves my co has one that is 12 years old and we never had any major problems just the normal maintenance
I don't really care as long as the apparatus gets us to the scene and gets the job done.
pierce is the best we have 3 r newest is the heavy rescue an attack truck with 3 tri modes an lots of gear with 4 point winch. the other is tanker n 1 attack pumper witch was replaced by the new one they've all ways been reliable
My department has both. Our aerials are pierce, including the snorkel(we call it the circus ride), our front line engines and our two tankers are Seagrave. We've never really had any major problems with either company. Like everyone else has said; as long as it gets you there and works once your there, who cares whats the name on the truck.
I work on a small town dpt. we have a 1973 front mount international pumper and an early 80s tanker pumper thats a pierce international. so im use to old trucks. they still pump and they still get down the road, and they've never left me high and dry.
Pierce. I <3 my Pierces. I've been at companies with pumpers, rescue engines, and ladder trucks based on the Dash, and heavy rescue squads based on the Saber, and I have nothing but positive things to say about them. I don't recall in the 4 years we've had out Dash it ever having the problems we had with Internationals, Fords, E-ONEs, or ALF. Can't comment on Seagrave performance as we've never had any, but I have nothing but esteem for Pierce. I could watch the Velocity video all day...
Alternator CAUGHT FIRE, not let go. The windows on the doors unroll themselves (stripped) The Pitman Arm recalls, The Anti Freeze Leak (with oil) from the tanker, the rusted doors (been replaced numerous times) electrical issues (with strobes and led's) The list is endless. With the type of money we are talking there is absolutely no need for the issues that departments face. Basic mechanical issues, and some paint issues I can understand, but when your entire fleet of pierce's are under 10 years old (accept the ladder truck) half of this that occurs should never happen
PIERCE! We have a squrt Lance chassis and new generation Quantum pumper that is incredible. Built for what we need and keeps on taking it!

Proud photos at my fire company website: East Windsor Fire Company #2

Bonfire Designs Firefighter T-Shirts & Gifts
we have a seagrave thats never let us down. Ive seen that thing pull a draft from sixty feet..
Pierce is the only way to go, just make sure its a custom and not a contender series, the extra money for the custom's are well worth it. That is all that is in both of my stations. Pierce is the truck you want, and they stand behind their trucks anything thats wrong they will make it right
I would have to go for pierce, although have never worked with a seagrave's. We have 3 pierce engine's in our fleet, a KME/Freightliner Tanker, and a E-One rescue.

Our newest Pierce is a 07' Dash Pumper/Rescue.

KME- Kmart Enginering
E-One- One is enough
Most everything I have worked with has been E-One. I love them. They have been awsome. My second choice would be Pierce.

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