Well for me I have loved this "business" since i was a youngster. I live a block away from the station so I can rember when the siren went off i'd rush over to the window and watch all the men rush over to the station jump on the trucks and head out!

I was always captivated how when the siren goes off people come from where ever and drop everything to help in most cases people we dont even know!

I have always had this saying "that the you don't pick the job the job picks you!" We are a different breed of people we care when others could careless! It's not always easy but that's why I love it.

Well im done now lets hear why you love the job!

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Your supposed to be getting her out of the burning bar not talking to her...she melts! My God man!
I love this job for the unknown.....not knowing what will come across when that tone breaks. From an alarm to a medical call to assisting law enforcement its the unknown that creates excitement in me. I embrace the challenge of trying to bring relative calm to an already chaotic scene. I enjoy the challenges that come with the job but abhor seeing families during their time of distress and/or grief. And with the addition to children in my life the look on their faces when they come by the station and see the big red trucks as one of them calls them and the way their little faces light up when a call comes in while they are there and they get to see daddy leave on the fire truck with the lights and siren on. My 3 and 5 year olds both talk about being a fireman when they grow up.
it is a great feeling to help others in their time of need and i hope every time i see a young kid they see us when someone in their family needs help they see us selflessly giving our time to help their families and they are affected
most people go through their lives wondering if they ever made a diffrence in this world..
A Firefighter will never have this problem..
Most folks often Worry if they will walk this world alone.. if Your a Firefighter.. Every Man or Woman that puts on the uniform and the badge is Your brother or sister.. two in and two out.. Your always going to have Family..
When I was a Kid .. I had a Plethora of Uncles.. Some black .. Some White.. Some Hispanic.. They werent Blood
but Like My Father said.. " Son.. there is only one thing thicker than blood and thats Smoke"

The Trucks.. The smell of Diesel.. The Overwhelming Feeling that Im making a Diffrence in this world ..
The residual smell of smoke .. Thats why I Love this business.

Represent Your Company if You feel the Same Way

Sgt Bobby J King
Firefighter Rescue and Hazmat Tech
Madison County Div of Emergency Services
Station 386 ENG3INE ENG18INE TAN10kER
RES1CUE RES2CUE RES3CUE Boat 1 Boat 2 Boat 787
Being in the fire service is a great feeling whether it's fighting a raging structure fire, going to an ems call, or just hanging out with the crew at the fire department..... the reason i got involved in the fire/ems service is because i wanted to help out my community its been two years now and it has become a passion of mine i am hooked for a lifetime.... the minute that pager goes off my heart still gets pumping whatever the call maybe..... not only is the fire service great but also are the people you meet..... some of them have become my very good friends they are like a second family..... when i joined i expected to just help my community but i have gotten so much more in return and couldn't be more grateful..... the fire service is now in my blood
I completely agree with you. I don't know what I would do if I had to quit the fire service. It is a part of me now and forever.

any questions?
I love the job because you are right we care when others care less. I am from a combination dept-Bardstown/Nelson County fire dept. in bardstown ky. we cover 225 sq miles mostly rural. We have an awesome dept we do trench rescue ,swift wate, rope and high angle rescue and of course fight fire and auto extrication. That is a little about us we also have a web site it is www.bardstownfire.com it is not a big site but it does the job. thanks paul
you are right the smell gets in your clothes and in you blood...Bardstown Fire 757...
My family has a tradition of serving the community in some fashion. My grandfather worked a variety of jobs on the county road crew until his retirement in the late 60's - early 70's. My dad had been a member of the Alabama National Guard as long as I could remember. He was also a dispatcher for the Sheriffs Department until his death by heart attack. He was responsible on his shifts for all dispatching of fire, police, rescue, and ambulance services for the whole county with the exception of one city.
My youngest joined our local department at 17. His involvement led me to join (I'm now Assistant Chief). My oldest is also a member of the department as well as being a member of the Alabama Army National Guard. As you can see, the tradition continues!
It's all about the big red trucks with lights and sirens...................

LOL :-)

For whatever reason I have been given a "nursing personality" well according the the psyche books thats what they called it. so who am i to argue..

I broke my back and had a spinal fusion back in 1998 being an EMS / FF Personnel never crossed my mind.

Well with some new pain management medication I was able to get to the gym and workout and rebuild all the muscle I lost while being sedentary for so long.

We moved into a small country town area and a neighbor invited me to join the dept. so after some consideration i said ok. well the consideration lasted about 2 seconds.

anyway thats the what and hows for me.
I love firefighting because i love helping people who need help. I have lived a block away from the fire station my whole life and my dad was a firefighter for 5 years. I always wanted to be a firefighter. I want to fight fire.

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