So my department has a 4500 gallon tri-axle monster of a tanker that we have given the nickname "the whale." I want to know if anyone has anything bigger. I dont know how to upload a photo from a differant computer but if you check out my page there is a pix of it somewhere. You will notice it (the big white truck) LOL

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Wow Dustin, thats biggere than both of our tankers put together......................LOL:)

We used to see alot of these around my area.... none anymore due to them being less effective than some smaller tankers (2000-3000 gallons) either single or dual axle that can traverse our rural roads, dump much faster and from 3 sides or if needed could pump off the water with a good size GPM pump. So can you tell me some of your vehicles specifications.

Pump Capacity Size?
Number of Dumps and Discharge Opening Size?
How long it takes to off load the 4500 gallons for both dumping or pumping?
How long does it take to refill 4500 gallons and what diameter is the fill piping?

We are specing a new tanker now and it is still not going to be that big if I am right. If it ends up that be we wont have any one that can drive it but maybe 2 people. Our area is very rural once we get outside the village where there are hydrants. I still think we aren't looking at that big of a tanker....
Our biggest tanker we have is a 1500 gallon Pumper/Tanker built by the Sutphen Corporation. We actually hardly ever use it as a tanker seeing that 99.5% of our area has water and the remainig .5% is getting water in the next year. We mainly use it as a first due engine for structure fires. It's kinda nice when you pull up and you have 1500 gallons to work with in the first 5 to 10 minutes.
I asked what were the specs because this is what I was curious about. Bringing that much water takes time, special type of person who can drive a tractor-trailer and can dump or pump off slower than what the fire suppression effort demands. They are very difficult to get into a rural setting, with roads being narrow, not to mention seasonal posted roads and water supply areas that are inaccessable to refill the monster and just plain impossible to turn around.

Anyone else using these?

2004 KME 6 man cab, 2500 gallons water. 2000 GPM pump, 3 remote 10" dumps, 3000 gallon porta tank.
You guys are absolutly right about the size of the truck making it difficult to handle. Its kinda fun to brag about having the biggest tanker in the county but when it comes down to it, most of the time were rollin the 2500 gallon that we have just because it is so much easier to handle.

Some of the specs for the whale include three dumps, one rear and two side, all discharges are 5". It can be filled on either one 5" or two 3". Ive never timed it because I think I've only had to fill it once since I've been on the department and all I can say is that it took a while LOL. Also, I've never pumped off of it, only dumped for mutual aid stucture fires and that also took a while.

It is kinda a pain when only three or four guys on the entire department can drive this beast because of its split diffarential. But it is nice when somebody calls for water and we only have to make one trip when everyone else is making three or four
The following is provided to enable west coast firefighters to fully understand what the rest of the country calls a piece of fire apparatus that carries water for fire suppression activities.

Disclaimer: The above photo of a red "water truck" type vehicle is for demonstration purposes only. Thank You.
Good call on the terminology difference. Our chief here recently started to refer to our "tankers" as "Tenders" which has been the result of some rather heated debates over misuse. Being in WI, I can't recall ever seeing the air tanker, but I guess teh day may come

Here's our own tender. 2,500 gallon Fuso-Isuzu Fire Truck.

In the Philippines, "tankers" here we most call it, are necessity. Because unfortunately due to lack of fire hydrants in Metro Manila area. Even though we have the big guns. Still we had urban version of wildland-like fire.

Then again, I agree with you guys. There are pros and cons having these big tenders. Most of our streets are small. So either you have a excellent apparatus driver who can negotiate in a tight squeeze, or excellent familiarity of the area. In our typical fire ground operation, we go on tandem combination with the usual engine or mini-pumpers. In which smaller apparatus will go in the small street and act as a front line unit and the tenders will stay at the main street and provide 2 1/2 hose line water support. But most of the time, we do "engine relay."

typical tankers

Here's more - water tenders in the provinces.

I've been so confused about this subject. I hear the word tender being thrown around but no one has explained to me exactly what it means. From I understand now, a truck carrying water is a tender and a helicopter carrying water is a tanker. Is this right???? Please someone help me!!!! LOL
FETC, that tanker-1 you've posted, is awesome!!!!

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