On our post, our helmets are blue. We are not to look exactly like the on-duty firefighters on a scene because we cannot perform all of the same duties and we must be able to be picked out of the "crowd" if needed. Besides our helmets, our turnout gear is being replaced with blue reflective trim instead of the traditional reflective lining.
Our explorers wear red "turtle shell" helmets with orange reflective stickers on them. When they turn 18 and begin to ride the apparatus, they get a red Cairnes 1010 or Morning Pride Ben 2
They were red soupbowls until they finish with the essential fire class. After that they get a yellow lid. Our corporation issues soup bowls, but a lot of our members invest in their own leather or a 1010 (or something along those lines). I personally am rocking a yellow Cairns Sam Houston.
Our FF's helmets are traditional black, officers are red,cheifs are white of course, our recruits (me) have yellow metro style helmets w/ a black stripe down the center of them, The firefighters/all commands gear is black,and the recruits have tan gear. We all Have leather boots.